Wednesday, March 26 2025

Best Tips To Boost Your Mental Health | Building Better Mental Health

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Best Tips To Boost Your Mental Health | Building Better Mental Health 

Dance around while you do your housework by listening music

When you dance, you can play music which are really funny and interesting for you. I am giving link but I do not know actually which song you like best. So you can choose from the link below or you can search from YouTube and google.

Besides YouTube, you  can use your mobile phone to play mp3 music also. 

Here Are some of the Best of Best Workout Songs to Get You Motivated as the link below.

A song and video can change mind health and boost mental health. So, before going to the doctor, you can try to improve by listening to music and watching videos and movies.

Picture: Romance

Mental illness is a disorder of the brain. This disorder affects a person's ability to behave, think and understand. Anxiety, stress, excessive addiction or insanity often occur in a person with mental illness. Other than that mental health problems are always present in some people but if mental health problems start to turn into mental illness then more serious problems can occur in the brain. Due to this the ability of the brain to work decreases. The mentally ill need to be treated appropriately rather than feared. There are some home remedies that can help reduce the symptoms and calm the brain. Let us tell you about home remedies for mental illness in today's article.

 The video is mentioned below is a playlist for Gym Motivation because music is one type of motivation.    

The following are some common remedies for mental illness. Let us explain in detail.

Understanding a person's symptoms is essential to preventing mental illness. It is important to understand what the symptoms are and how they affect your health. 

You can easily tell these reluctant shots to others. You can discuss this poison with the people of the house.

If your mood changes frequently, you didn't write them down in your notebook or diary so that I can understand what makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad all day long. Apart from these you can fix it to some extent by changing some things. Your mind will also be at peace.

The person needs to be more confident so that listening to a person does not weaken the morale and move forward. 

One should help others to get rid of mental illness. By doing this, the person gets happiness and relaxation and his mentally ill is cured. With it, you will be able to better understand yourself as you are and you will be able to work and focus on work anywhere. You can meet different people and have different experiences so that you can avoid anxiety and loneliness. Can keep himself completely busy.

You need to be with your family to get rid of mental illness. Family support boosts one's confidence and interest in doing new things. You can involve yourself with family and relatives. You will not feel stress and can share your sorrows and happiness. You can talk to video calls or chat. If your family friends do not support you, you can seek the help of a therapist. In addition to these, you can join a book club to chat with other people and get into the habit of reading books.

To avoid mental illness you can do some activities that can relieve stress. You can try these activities yourself, let's explain more.

Do what you like to do and what you are most interested in doing because it relaxes your brain. If you like to walk outside in the morning or walk outside with your pet dog or cat, do that. In addition to these, if you are interested in painting, they should do that work.

Here are few ways to improve mental health.

 You can follow some basic rules like this.

Take time to laugh by doing anything such as watching funny YouTube video. 

YouTube has a lot of funny video which I will provide you the link below by watching these video you will really enjoy and laugh which is effective for your mental health.

I like YouTube video music video song below by which your mental health can be changed:

Picture: Share Care each other

YouTube has categories videos for different languages but some Bangla drama specially for Bangladeshi and Indian people are really interesting such as list below.

 Watching Bangla Drama

Popular Bangla Songs:

Some people like YouTube video with drama 

Playing Games Online

You can play games online to refresh your mind. Link for online games, Game 2 or you can install games like vice city and dxball or other upcoming new games. But you should not play more than one hour because you have to sit for a long time which is also not good for your health. Try to do hand movement and legs movement during siting the same place for the long time.

Time pass with your family members and friends

You can visit to your friends house with small gifts. So, you can enjoy or party like happy birthday  or marriage ceremony by gossiping and playing with your friends. Kids love to play with each other and really enjoy.

Sleep with your wife and vice-versa
Picture: Romance

It is very helpful for both of husband and wife because most of the time we are busy and can not meet for a long days. Sleeping together not only for physical relation but gossip and sharing interesting topics, remembering the funny moments and discuss about visiting nice place and time to eat something interesting.

Follow the rules 

Make a rule of daily work. Do the work on time. Following the rules, waking up or going to bed is important for maintaining good mental health. Research has shown that those who follow the rules have a higher rate of mental and physical well-being.


It is also important to be physically healthy to be mentally good. Exercise according to your ability to keep the body active. Happiness hormones are released when you exercise. Practice regular exercise to feel mentally light or to keep a good mind.

Eat nutritious food

Eat nutritious and balanced food. Put more fruits and vegetables on the food list and less intake rice. Eat foods that stimulate the brain, especially nuts or spinach.

Interesting links : Food for Health

Limit device usage

Nowadays people have mobile phones in their hands or various devices that take away attention. Limit the use of instruments as much as possible to maintain good mental health. Avoid using devices including mobile phones one hour before going to bed at night. Avoid instruments as much as possible, even during the day.

Stay active

Keep the brain busy reading newspapers, matching puzzles, solving crosswords. If the brain is active, memory will improve, and even learning skills will increase.

Go for a long drive and visit beautiful place

You can go to a beautiful place like flower garden, forest, sea beach, playground with your kids to enjoy a lot. Also you can go for a long drive and visit some interesting place which may change your mind.

Sometimes you can watch movies EnglishHindiBangla whatever funny and adventure. However, you can book mark this page to get updates and interesting videos. I will time to time update this pages and try to add funny videos.

Funny video Mr. Bean video link   link1  to change your mood. 

Picture: Sea Beach Cox's Bazar

Some music video are really interesting and boost your energy level and good for your mind health as list below.

Click on the picture and play funny music video

More tips about boosting mental health

Improve your mental health and much more with these 4 flavanols benefits

Flavanol's are a group of health-promoting phytonutrients found in fruits, vegetables and
 Tea has been linked to cancer prevention, inflammation reduction and much more. In this article I will take a detailed look at this plant-based nutrient and describe the 4 major flavanols benefits.

1) Improve your mental health:

Mental health is often neglected when it comes to health and fitness. People often pay attention to how healthy foods affect their appearance but they never consider how certain foods can affect their mental health. Eating flavanols' in your brain can prevent depression and possibly give a serious impetus to the treatment of mental disorders.

2) Cancer prevention:

Cancer is a deadly disease that causes your cells to grow rapidly, uncontrollably. Eventually, this leads to the formation of a tumor that can turn into cancer. If a tumor becomes cancer, it damages the surrounding cells and spreads to other parts of the body. The good news is that one of the brightest benefits of flavonols is cancer prevention. Studies have shown that all these health-promoting nutrients have anti-cancer properties and can protect you from this terrible disease.

3) Reduce inflammation:

 It makes the affected areas hot, painful, red and swollen as your body copes with the problem. Although it is unpleasant, in most cases swelling is a good sign because it shows that your body has responded and is dealing with potential harm. However, sometimes an external cause causes unnecessary inflammation which is dangerous and can also damage your body cells. Fortunately, flavanols can help you avoid this by acting as an anti-inflammatory (a substance that reduces unnecessary inflammation in the body).

4) Strengthen your immune system:

The immune system is one of the most important defense structures in your body. It keeps you safe from infections and foreign bodies. Another amazing flavanol benefit is that they can strengthen this attractive system and improve your ability to fight disease and infection which can help you stay healthy and disease free throughout the year.

Flavanols are a shining example of the power of plant-based foods. Fruits, nuts and vegetables are not only rich in essential vitamins and minerals, they are a brilliant source of non-essential, health-promoting nutrients like flavanols. Apples, nuts, berries, peppers, spinach and tea are excellent sources of these plant-based foods. So go through the list and make sure you eat at least some of these foods regularly.

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