Weight-loss Fruits Nutrients and benefits for healthy life | Tasty Fruits with Health Benefits

Weight-loss Fruits Nutrients and benefits for healthy life |  Tasty Fruits with Health Benefits 

What are the nutrients in apples?

Apples are rich in anthocyanins and tannins. These fruits are rich in vitamins, fiber and other nutrients. Eating apples lowers cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy. It also gives strength to the teeth. Apples are also used to prevent cancer and control diabetes.

Apples are the most popular, delicious and nutritious fruit. There are many qualities in this red fruit. In scientific language, apple is called Melas Damastia.

The old wild species of apple mallus seversi is still practiced in Central Asia. Apple is considered the main place in Central Asia.

Apples Apples are eaten whole. There are more than 7500 varieties of apples in the world and each is used separately. Red apples are rich in antioxidants and this is why red apples are considered as anti-aging fruit. In addition, yellow and green apples are high in cholesterol, which helps improve mental health. Apples enhance the nutritional value of the skin as well as make our body very beneficial and healthy, beautiful, soft and shiny. However, it is advised not to consume apple seeds.

The benefits of apples

Apples are very beneficial in keeping the heart healthy. Apples are a very good companion for the heart. Apples contain a variety of phytonutrients that are highly capable of protecting the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular degeneration of the heart prevents the heart from growing before it stops the oxygenation of the heart. It lowers the amount of cholesterol in the body and also controls the amount of sugar. It is very helpful in maintaining regular blood flow. According to University of California researchers, eating two apples a day or drinking 12 ounces of apple juice a day greatly reduces the risk of heart disease.

The benefits of eating apples to strengthen bones 

Calcium strengthens bones and teeth. Apples are considered a good source of calcium. The extra calcium present in apples helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also contains anti-oxidants, which not only strengthen the bones, but also prevent bone fractures. The flavonoid fluorine found in apple skin can also help prevent menopause-related bone problems, as it prevents inflammation and the production of free radicals that damage bones. So if you want healthy and strong bones, eat fresh apples every day.

The role of apples in the prevention of asthma

Apples can fight asthma and its symptoms. Apples contain flavonoids and phenolic acid which reduce inflammation during air travel and heal the lungs and immune system. It helps the asthma patient to breathe freely. A British study found that people who drank two to five apples a week reduced their risk of asthma by 32%.
The role of apples for strong and white teeth 

Apples are a good source of water and fiber which acts as an internal cleanser for the body. It contains malic acid which increases saliva production which removes bacteria from the mouth. Apples are very useful in removing dirt and yellow color from the teeth and keeping them healthy. It helps to remove many stubborn stains chewed as a toothbrush. Apples contain good amounts of vitamins and minerals that help keep teeth healthy. The fiber present in apples also improves the health of your gums. Since apples are sugary and acidic, they need to be washed after washing.

The role of apples in removing liver contaminants

Apples have great detoxification properties. If apples are eaten for only two days, it will not only remove toxins from the body, but also improve digestion and blood flow. A decoction prepared from apples helps a lot in removing toxins from the kidneys and liver. The health of the liver needs to be maintained. By cleansing the vital organs of the body, apples help maintain good health. Drinking apple juice can be a healthy alternative to flushing out toxins.

Apples nourish the brain

Apple juice can also be effective for mental illness with age. In a study conducted on an animal, it was found that apple juice increases oxygen to the brain and works to reduce mental weakness. When older rats were fed apples, it was found that their memory was better than before. It contains quesartin which helps to speed up the brain and make its cells healthier.

Apples control cholesterol

The pectin found in apples helps maintain healthy cholesterol by controlling insulin. Pectin fiber and other ingredients such as antioxidant polyphenols (antioxidant polyphenols) are known to be effective in lowering “bad” (LDL) cholesterol levels. It protects the arteries from hardening, and also reduces the risk of damage to the heart muscle and blood vessels. The soluble fiber present in apples lowers cholesterol levels in the body, reducing the risk of heart disease

Guava has many health benefits.


For skin beauty: - Guava contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Which is very beneficial for the skin. Playing it starts to improve the skin.

For diabetes; - People with diabetes should take adequate amount of guava every day. Guava has some of these qualities. Which helps in the production of insulin. Increases sugar levels in the body. Which controls diabetes. (Read more - What is diabetes and home remedies for diabetes)

To cure cold and cough: - Make a juice of guava leaves and drink it to cure cold and cough. In addition, guava leaf juice is also able to cure fever.

To get rid of bad breath: - If I have a problem with bad breath then chew guava leaves, it removes bad breath.

To reduce constipation: - If a person has a problem of constipation. Then you should eat more fiber rich foods. Guava contains a lot of fiber. Which strengthens the digestive power of the stomach and eliminates the problem of constipation.

To increase hemoglobin: - Consumption of ripe guava eliminates the deficiency of hemoglobin in the body. Women should eat guava every day. So that the hemoglobin becomes correct and there are no complaints of anemia.

For eyes: - Vitamin A and Vitamin E present in guava are very beneficial for brightening the eyes. Which does not create eye problems.

Cancer prevention: - Cancer is a very dangerous disease. Guava contains more vitamin C than other fruits. It contains more antioxidants that help protect against cancer.

Thyroid: - Guava is rich in iodine. Which helps reduce thyroid problems. People with thyroid disease should take the right amount of guava every day.


Gastric problems! No medicine is working? Eat papaya regularly.

If you can eat papaya raw-ripe in any way, you will get some great benefits.

There are papaya leaves and gum, even papaya flowers

Lots of information on unknown benefits.

The famous Italian tourist Christopher Columbus referred to the papaya - the "angel of fruit".

Raw or ripe papaya is found in almost all human stomachs.


# Papaya is called the king of fruits.

# Papaya is called a vitamin store.

# Papaya is called a natural facepack.

# Eat papaya and drive away from home.


Fire in the vegetable market. The price of papaya is much lower than that. So eat more papaya, send away various diseases. Papaya has many qualities,

Everyone needs wellness.

Let's find out - the nutritional value of papaya.


Papaya is a type of plant whose fruit is a vegetable in its raw state and a fruit in its ripe state

Papaya leaves, papaya glue, raw / ripe papaya seeds, all of them in our daily lives

We can't take advantage of it because we don't know exactly what it does.

Because papaya has medicinal properties,

Unani name - Papita, Arand Kharbuja.

And the Ayurvedic name - Amrittumbi.



Latex, leaves, fruits, seeds and glue.


Chemical components of papaya:

The leaves and unripe fruits are rich in latex. It contains a large amount of the digestive enzyme papain. The leaves contain alkaloid glucoside and lots of vitamins.

 • Real qualities:

Bleeding, urethral ulcers, herpes and psoriasis. Constipation, worms in hemorrhoids.


What is contained in 100 grams of ripe papaya is as follows:


The amount of material

  • 0.6 grams of meat
  • 0.1 g of fat
  • 0.5 grams of minerals
  • 0.8 grams of fiber
  • 7.2 grams of sugar
  • Vitamin C 57 mg
  • 6.0 mg of sodium
  • Potassium 69 mg
  • Iron 0.5 mg
  • Food energy 32 kcal


Raw papaya is more beneficial than ripe papaya. Ripe papaya is more delicious to eat than raw papaya.

However, the benefits of ripe and raw papaya are almost equal.

Benefits of papaya # ripe papaya:


1. To remove acne and black spots:

Ripe papaya is an important ingredient for removing black spots. Take a piece of ripe papaya and rub it well on the affected area. Leave it for half an hour and wash it with water. If you do this three / four times a week, the papain in papaya removes the dead cells and brightens the skin color.


2. To increase digestive energy:

The enzymes in ripe papaya help digest food in the stomach. As a result, digestive power is increased. Constipation is eliminated. Playing ripe papaya increases the taste in the mouth. Increases hunger.

Hyper acidity decreases, it is proven. Also quite beneficial in case of hemorrhoids.


3. To increase immunity:

Vitamins A, C and E in papaya increase immunity. Immunity as an antioxidant also eliminates toxicity in the body.


4. Prevention of diabetes:

It is an ideal fruit for diabetics due to its low sugar content. People who do not have diabetes should also include papaya in their daily diet. Papaya prevents diabetes.


5. To prevent bone pain:

Papaya is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and copper. Regular consumption of papaya produces calcium in the body, which strengthens the bones and reduces pain.


6. To reduce stress:

A plate of papaya can relieve fatigue in an instant. Vitamin C in it reduces stress.

According to the University of Alabama, 200 mg of vitamin C per day should be on our diet list, which helps the body reduce stress.


In addition, the benefits of ripe papaya in heart disease, eyesight protection, lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer, hair care, skin care are incomparable.


Amount of nutrients in one cup of raw papaya:


  • Vitamin minerals
  • Vitamin A 2185 IU
  • Potassium 419 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06 mg
  • 23 mg of phosphorus
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.07 mg magnesium 48 mg
  • Niacin 0.82 mg Calcium 46 mg
  • Vitamin C14 0.1 mg Sodium 18 mg
  • Vitamin K6 mcg
  • 0.57 mg of iron
  • Folate 1 mcg
  • Contains small amounts of minerals, zinc, manganese, copper and other vitamins.

Benefits of papaya # Raw papaya:


1. The most beneficial role in digestion:

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which helps in the metabolism of food.

It is used in cooking to soften meat.

It has high amount of fiber and water so it relieves constipation. As a result, relief from acidity is obtained. Acidity is a common problem in every human being. And this common problem can be relieved by eating raw papaya on an empty stomach in the morning. You have to chew a few slices of raw papaya and drink water. Instant release from acidity, which is actually tested.


2. Controls bowel movements:

Raw papaya has anti-amoebic and anti-parasitic properties that regulate bowel movements. It even protects against indigestion, constipation, acid reflux, heart problems, intestinal problems, stomach ulcers-gastric problems.


3. Reduces excess calories and fat:

Papaya is rich in vitamins C, E and A. In addition, the antioxidants present in it reduce the amount of extra calories and fat.


4. Eliminates acne and skin problems and wounds:

The nutrients present in papaya protect against acne and any kind of skin problems or infections.

It opens the pores of the skin. As a result, in most cases

 Pineapple is testy fruits which also has a lot of health benefits

 Europeans found similarities between the hard, dry fruit of the pine tree and the con. That is why European explorers in South America first saw this fruit and named it Pineapple (Pine + Apple). That was in the sixteenth century. The then unfamiliar fruit pineapple soon became popular all over the world. It can be said that this fruit is now one of the major fruits in the world. Pineapple is now cultivated in almost all countries.

This small single pineapple is much healthier than any other type of fast food. Even then, many people do not want to eat pineapple knowingly. Let's find out about the nutritional value of pineapple.

1. Eliminates malnutrition:

Pineapple is a great source of nutrients. Eating a small amount of pineapple every day will not deprive the body of these nutrients.

2. Bone health:

Pineapple is rich in calcium and manganese. 

3. Lose weight:

Although I was surprised to hear that pineapple helps us to lose weight. Because pineapple has a lot of fibers and a lot less fat.

4. Protecting eye health:

 It keeps our eyes healthy.

5. Tooth and gum protection:

Calcium in pineapple works to protect teeth. 

6. Fever and jaundice

Pineapple is quite beneficial for fever and jaundice. When suffering from fever or jaundice, pineapple relieves fever quickly and is beneficial in jaundice.

Prevents swelling of the thyroid gland. It controls high blood pressure. It helps in relieving arthritis. It also acts as an anthelmintic. Useful in destroying germs of small intestine. As well as reduces constipation and morning sickness. It plays an important role in the prevention of cancer of the uterus, breast, lung, intestines and skin. Helps prevent age-related eye defects.

In a word, it is an incomparable and effective fruit for nourishing the body and keeping the body healthy, strong and disease free. So we should eat plenty of pineapples.


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