Weight Loss Tips and How to weight loss within 5 days?
- Yoga mat;
- Shoes for comfortable jumping
- Three-quarter pant or half pant for free movement;
- T-shirt for comfortable movement;
- Water bottle to drink little water during the workout;
- Two Towels, one for floor mat and the other for sweat cleaning ;
- Cycling,
- Knee-High;
- Elliptical Treadmills etc.
Weight Loss diet is healthy food for weight loss and adequate nutrition 900 calorie balanced diet
Weight loss tips world Best Weight Loss Workout Plan within 5 days only without Injury: You can start music for workout motivation.
1. Forward bend for 5 minutes;2. Side Bend for 5 minutes; Add skipping for a better result for at least 5 minutes;
3. Lunges and then weight with Lunges for 5 minutes;
4. Free squat for 5 minutes;
5. Burpee with push up at least 40 repetitions;
7. Dolphin pushup or Hindu push-up;
8. Heavy squat with a barbell for 5 minutes; Not for Beginner, Beginner can skip to 9
9. Skipping for 2 minutes;
10. Jumping Jack for 2 minutes
11. Deadlift with proper form for 5 minutes; skip as a beginner
12. Kettlebell Swing for 2 minutes; Alternatively you can do it by Dumbell;
13. Bench press with a barbell for 2 minutes Not for Beginner
14. Incline bench press for 2 minutes;
15. Decline bench press for 2 minutes; So, your chest workout is done;
16. Plank and Spiderman plank for 4 minutes;
17. After having 5 minutes rest, run on treadmills for at least 40 minutes;
Best time to do the above-mentioned workouts in the morning or you also can do it in the evening for the job holders or who actually have another workout in the morning;
Bent-Over Barbell Row (Advance Workout) close grip workout for your biceps, abs, and lat muscles workout but wide grip can work for your shoulder, arms, back, trap workout. So, if you want to weight loss you can do Ben over barbell row -close grip only. But remember, this is an advanced workout not especially for beginners.
Weight loss tips Food plan:
Weight Loss Fruit List as below:
- Lemon: Lemon with hot water on an empty stomach if you don't have a gastric problem;
- Bananas: Before starting a workout for at least one hour, you can eat bananas;
- Grapefruit
- Apples
- Oranges
- Berries
- Stone Fruits
- Passion Fruit
- Rhubarb
- Kiwifruit
- Melons, Watermelon
- Avocados
· Drink hot water with lemon every day before having breakfast;
· Eat guava, apple, orange juice, banana for best result;
· Avoid fat-related food like fast food, cow meat, however, if you are underweight then you can eat but not more;
Floralite Weight Loss Supplement
A genius Brazilian doctor has recently leaked the hidden formula of an Amazonian drink that goes directly to the root cause of ugly deep fat…
And activates one powerful, little-known mechanism we all have…
That is able to melt away all that stubborn fat from your body.
Anna Monroe, an accountant from Florida, dropped 49 lbs in only 3 weeks with ZERO exercises, no diet or shady pills.

Anna before Anna 3 weeks after
Learn more about the Amazonian Tonic to shed 10 lbs every week.
One thing to keep in mind: Drink this Amazonian tonic before 12am to speed up the process.
In fact, some folks are losing even 15 lbs per week with no extra skin issues.
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Weight Loss Tips and How to weight loss within 5 days?
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