Top 10 tips to maintain your mental health and how to be mentally healthy and happy
How to be mentally healthy and happy
Picture: Most beautiful picture for mind healthBest Music Arabic Boom Boom Song for cure your mind
Our mental health Importantly, by taking care of this, we can feel happier, more positive, and better equipped to make the most of life. Research shows that there are five simple things we can do as part of our daily routine Life to promote our mental health and Getting better These are called the five ways of healing. Connect with the people around you; With Family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. See to spend Meaningful time with people every day. Instead of sending An email.
Picture: Most beautiful picture for mind healthTalk to someone Talk to someone new, Ask someone what their weekly vacation was like and really listen when they tell you. Arrange to meet friends. Join a club or group of shared people. A general interest. Set aside five minutes to learn how, No one really is. Think about this connection. The cornerstone of your life and spending time developing and Strengthen them. This will help in connection building And make you rich every day.
Picture: Most beautiful picture for mind health- Stay active
- Find ways to stay active every day for walking or running
- Play a game of Vibe Bike Do some garden dance!
- Most importantly, you should find a physical activity like playing cricket and football or badminton that you enjoy.
- And it fits your level of mobility and fitness.
- Being active every day changes our minds
- Which can positively affect our mood. Exercise makes you feel better. Taking notice - taking notice
- Exists here and now.
- Focus on the world around you:
- Nature, man, your thoughts and feelings.
- Be curious
- Beautiful attractions
- Enjoy Unusual Notice Change Season Moments Become more aware of the present
- Reflect the moment and your experience
- Will help you realize what is important to you.
- Keep learning - keep learning
- Learning new skills and learning about our interests. We can
- Keep learning by: trying something new, rediscovering an old interest, or
- Signing up for a bike repair course or taking on a new assignment at work
- Learning to play a musical instrument by trying a new recipe
Set up a challenge that you enjoy taking on. Learning can make you more confident and boost your self-esteem - it can be Have fun! give - give is almost small Kindness to other people. Whether it's your time. Patience, words, or a smile, can count the smallest work. Do something interesting act or news for a friend or parents or family members or a Make a cup of tea to a stranger thanking someone with a smile Ask a friend or someone who works with you. How are they and really listen to the answer. Others can be returned, Positive emotions and help us feel more satisfied Life. See yourself, and your happiness, like Connecting with the larger community can and does be incredibly rewarding. Relationships with the people around you.
Arranged neat flower garden. Exotic flowers are blooming in the garden. The smell of flowers all around. The fragrance of flowers is mixed in the air. Mymensingh Medical College Hospital has created such a captivating form of pure nature, colorful flowers and fresh fragrance.
Picture: Most beautiful picture for mind healthThis is an impeccable source of peace of mind for patients. The flower garden in the middle of the high-rise building of the hospital is now like a 'doctor'. Because when you look at this flower-decorated garden, the air of peace plays in the minds of the patients. That's why, whenever they get a chance, the patients stand on the verandah of the building and enjoy the beauty of the beautiful flowers.
A story that makes the mind feel better in Mind
A long time ago. A poor man used to carry water in a remote mountainous area. He had two pots, carrying two pots on either side of a stick and carrying water on his shoulders. He had to walk a long way every day.
One of the two pots is slightly broken, the other is flawless. The broken vessel would be almost half empty as the water was carried away. On the other hand, the flawless vessel was well filled with water every day. In this way, the poor man would deliver one pot and half or one and a half pot of water to his master's house every day. Naturally, the good pot would be very proud and happy for his work. On the other hand, the broken pot would have a very bad mood. She was very embarrassed and sad. Because he could not do the job he was supposed to do.
The defective vessel, after carrying water for a long time, could not bear it any more and apologized to the man for his failure. He said, "I am ashamed and disappointed. I apologize to you." The poor man asked, "Why are you ashamed?"
"How hard it is for you to carry me every day, to fill me with water from the river, while I go to your master and throw away half of the water, a crack on one side of me, half of the water falls through that crack."
The man sympathized with his vessel, saying, “Don't be upset. Maybe there's something better that you don't understand right now. "
Picture: Mind blowing picture
The broken pot still did not free him from his guilt and shame, although he found some peace after hearing the message of consolation. Disappointed, he began to carry the water on the man's shoulders, as he does every day, and as he walked along the path, he began to pour water through the cracks, mingling with the tears. As the pot went on its way, it looked around, how good and happy everyone was, what a wonderful sunny morning, how many hundreds of unnamed flowers were blooming beside the mountain path. In the morning sun, they are swaying, swaying, playing in the mind blowing gentle breeze. "But why is there so much trouble between me?" Thinking about the pitcher, he sent half the water to the rich man's house as usual.
Picture: Nice Nature Picture
On the way back he again apologized to the poor man for his failure. Seeing her upset, the man stopped for a moment and tore some mountain flowers that were blooming by the side of the road. "Don't be sad. I already knew about your mistake, so every day I would carry you on my shoulder. And as you go, you drip water through your cracks, sometimes even crying. In this way you give water on one side of the road every day, look at that side of the road! There are hundreds of beautiful flowers! You gave them water, But look at the opposite side of the road! There is nothing but dust and stones, no flowers have blossomed. "
Mind-blowing short stories
I'm not feeling well. The fact is that this evening the sky has opened one cloud after another like a professional strip dancer who has finally unveiled himself artistically, just to entertain the creatures of the earth with their beautiful star-planet for free. To show satellite cover. And the wind is spreading from the distant forest, pretending to be a new lover, a touch of soft honey. Still, the mood is not good. No, I don't like it. But at such times my mind is never disturbed. I am not so fearless as to be fascinated by this beauty. Today, of course, he has a serious reason. This is not the state of mind today. One week almost gone in the mean time. I should not bother you with this. You will know when the time is right. So I am sitting in front of the computer already running, ignoring the beauty of the outside.
Calling me like a rose. I can't help about it but be a little curious to know. Of course, it would be wrong to call it a flower. This is a picture of a flower. Just no smell. However, when you see this flower, you don't have to imagine anything to get its full scent. This flower acts as an aid to full fragrance. I have seen the picture more than one times and every pictures can not make me happy. I've been watching for a few days. If it is a true flower, it will wither in a few days. But this flower is still fresh. Every time I look, I feel like my eyes are stuck for a while. And the smell is catching on its own. The reason I don't get it nowadays is because something unfamiliar to me, no matter how beautiful it may be and how appealing it may seem to me, I usually do not accept. The mind is not good without it.
The computer is playing soft music. But nothing seems to be able to sharpen the mind. Just as the work of a cannon is not done with a sword, so the cause of his suffering, no matter how much he is given, will not be good. In the last attempt to make my mind a little better, I should focus on the flower. Because you also know that if you don't keep it well, it doesn't care about anything else in the world; Looks like everything is being snatched away or something is being ignored. I can no longer tolerate this redundancy.
It seems that the flower is silently saying something. Which may mean, 'Don't accept me, your mind will get better.' Even after such a request, the mind wants to do a little research. So let's not look at the given profile of flowers. But that's not all. Only the name 'other sky' is written. Doubt arises in my mind. Yet I know why I can't ignore that argument. So I agreed to take the flower, Bersik got a video call from a funny friend. Friend wants to know how I am. In response, I said, "The better the snow-covered maple tree, the better my survival." Still, the mood is not good. Maybe the mechanic can fix the brain. But he won't match the mechanic. Even then, in a kind of frustration, he returned to the last attempt. Within seconds of receiving the flower, he said, how are you?
Then it seemed to me that no matter how fresh and spirited it was, it was like clay that cracked like that heat. Desperate for rain, even groundwater cannot quench his thirst.
I answer, well.
I know why I think you're not good. Says the flower.
- How do you know this and why I think I'm not good?
- Got it. If there are clouds in the sky, the news of the earth is not hidden.
- But you are not on my land. Maybe I've never seen you.
- When you took it, I became someone on the ground. And I saw you
- Anyway, good thing you saw. But to be honest, how do you know I'm not feeling well?
- You know so much and you don't know? How's that? Oh look at your location.
- And how much news do you remember? So if you're worried that the head isn't working properly, you don't know?
- I know. I have also learned that even if you are upset, your words are true.
- Anyway. Ok tell me who are you
- I'm another sky.
This is not your true identity.
-Does man ever know his true identity?
- I don't know. But socialism is more valuable in the world than philosophy. I wanted to know your family name and social identity.
- No more social or family issues with you. The source of the reverse philosophy is being discussed. And socialization? That too is an unconventional form of philosophy. Well, I'm not bothering you, am I?
- Absolutely not.
If you're upset, feel free to ask.
- Really?
- Yes, feel free.
- Actually ...

I had enough reason to be upset. But I don't know why it doesn't feel bad.
- Or did Binoy become Majumdar that you have to be polite all the time?
- Hahahaha. They laughed. I want to smile like this even in sad days.
- Smile. Smile as much as you can. Laughter is good for not only for body but also for mind. All right, now I have to get up. Mom is calling. It was nice to talk. Talk to you later.
-All right, come on. Be well
Who said that by peeking through the window of my mind? Bhabhi is very familiar, keep all my news.
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