Picture: Burpee
Not only workout like burpee which is the best weight loss workout in the world just like running on treadmill but you have to have change your food habit to weight loss like a bird as the picture below.
Picture: Eat less live long
Best weight loss tips and Weight loss workout plans for men and women and which workout plan is best for weight loss
Former US Secretary of State loses 41 kg
As well as before and after photos of weight loss. Former United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has lost 41 kg in six months June 14 last year. Former United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was shocked when he tried to weigh himself. You see, it weighs about three hundred pounds. Mike then decided to lose weight. He lost about 41 kg (90 lb) in six consecutive months of physical activity.
Mike Pompeo made the remarks in an interview with the New York Post. He said he woke up the next morning to find his wife, Susan, overweight. "Today is that day," he said. Then I started exercising. Exercise almost every day and eat properly. As a result, he began to lose weight.
The former minister is now 56 years old. He was the 70th Secretary of State of the United States from 2016 to 2021 under then-President Donald Trump. He has served as the head of the CIA. Pompeo was also a three-time member of Congress.
Pompeo also said in the conversation that he has built a small gym in the basement of his house for physical exercise. Buy tuk-tuk equipment for exercise. Since then, he can't do it every day of the week, but he spends an hour, five or six days there. There were no trainers, no instructions needed. He did it all alone.
Pompeo has also changed his diet to lose weight. However, this did not affect his family. When they go to a restaurant together, they arrange a meal together. Pompeo also thinks that this practice of eating should not be abandoned. And as Italians, they enjoy a good meal together. But there is salad.
Pompeo also thinks others will be interested in his weight loss journey. "If you think a good thing can be done by grabbing them, you can do it well," he said.
If you want to get rid of belly fat
White rice, white flour and white sugar - stay away from these three whites. Eat raw unfiltered honey instead of sugar.
Picture: Eat apple at least one in everyday can reduce weight
Like it or not, it is very difficult to get rid of belly fat. However, overall obesity is out of your control again. The various genes that cause anxiety lead to fat deposits in the lower abdomen. So getting rid of obesity is not so easy.
What does lower belly fat mean?
Not just Madhya Pradesh, this fat situation is even deeper. A thick layer of fat is wrapped around the intestines under the skin. The nature of lower abdominal fats is also different from other fats, they are very active and very agile. Enters the bloodstream. These fats have a bad effect on blood sugar and cholesterol. So you have to reduce the circumference of your stomach. Abdominal circumference is less than 40 inches for males and less than 35 inches for females.
Picture: Kick Boxing is the best weight loss workout
Abdominal fat accumulates with age. Then the metabolic rate of the body decreases. Calorie demand has decreased. When a woman's period stops, fat accumulates in her abdomen. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are reduced, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the lower abdomen.
Related topic Music is the great motivation during workout as below.
And what to do when this fat accumulates back in age! But you can do something else, try to lose weight. There is no substitute for healthy eating and exercise to lose weight. Work hard every day, run. Of course, just doing cardio exercises will not help reduce belly fat. You have to carry the burden with him. I need muscle building exercises.
Picture: Fast walk in the treadmills is called cardio workout will help to reduce fat from body
Fruits, vegetables, whole grain salads should be included in the diet; Red rice instead of white rice and red flour instead of flour. Eat less sugar, avoid if possible. The same goes for sweet, freshwater water. Avoid processed foods, fast food. Natural foods, home cooking - these will be the type of food. Then the swelling will stop and the damage will be less. The fat that is concentrated in body heat is called saturated fat. So it is better not to eat animal fats like ghee and butter.
Exercise should be done through. Crunch, sit up and jump rope. The point is that muscle is playing. And of course reduce stress, don't worry. Easy to say, but the stress of life, children's school, cooking, office, financial crisis, the illness of a loved one, death - all these things can not be ignored. And so the pressure will come, but it has to be handled. Stress hormone cortisol needs to be suppressed. And it can be suppressed through practices like pranayama and meditation.
Picture: Pushup workout
And I need a good night's sleep. It is better to sleep 8-9 hours at night. Those who sleep less than 5 hours, gain weight, accumulate fat. And there are genetic problems. Those who do not have thighs or buttocks but have a fat belly are called apple shaped. Getting rid of fat is not easy for those who have a genetic predisposition. So it is better to test your hormones. Fat can be difficult to remove if you have high testosterone levels and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Picture: Drink warm water with Lemon in the morning will help you to reduce belly fat
So healthy eating and exercise - both have to go together. Eat low calorie, low sugar and low sugar foods. Food should have a lot of fiber. And if you reduce the waist circumference, then you will understand how it feels even in old age. And no matter how small you are, you will fly with a thin body.
Question to Doctor: I am a boy. Age 23 years. Height 5 feet 6 inches and weight 63 kg. What kind of exercise and diet should I do to lose weight and not be overweight?
Answer: You weigh only 2 kg more. If you are aware, you can make it normal. Keep these things in mind to keep the weight normal.
1. Eat a balanced diet every day according to the needs of the body (eat more or less, do nothing).
2. Do not leave any food, it will weaken the body.
3. Whatever you eat should be cooked in a healthy way. Because unhealthy food can cause various problems in the body.
4. Use normal amount of oil (not too much) in cooking, do not use fatty ingredients
(ghee, butter oil, dalda etc.).
Picture: Avoid Junk Food
5. Eat unhealthy and high calorie drinks, junk food.
Exercise daily according to your type of work. As a result, the body will not be able to store extra calories.
Get enough sleep at night (7-8 hours), not during the day.
If you ever overeat at an event like Medicine at homemade, go back and do some exercise.
Remember, maintaining a normal weight is not a difficult task;
Those who lose weight
Just as many foods are responsible for weight gain, there are many foods that reduce weight when eaten. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat wisely. There has also been research on eating at work, where certain foods have been identified to speed up work. Here is some information about food:
Drinking water reduces weight
Studies show that drinking half a liter of water a day burns an extra 23 calories. The annual sum of which is 16 thousand calories or two kilos. In addition, overweight people drink one to one and a half liters of water every day for a few weeks to increase the rate of weight and fat loss.
Eating nuts reduces weight
Picture: You need gym mat and gym ball for workout
Many people do not eat nuts thinking that it increases body fat. But nuts contain meat, fiber, many types of vitamins and minerals. Almonds help in weight loss. People who have type 2 diabetes or are suffering from heart disease can also eat regularly.
Infusion of flavor with cooking
One study found that if a person cooked their meals at least six times a week, they would eat fewer calories and less fat.
This is because being directly involved in cooking reduces the tendency to eat. When cooked regularly, the body produces a hormone called serotonin, which helps reduce depression and control anxiety.
Lunch breaks increase productivity
According to a survey by health and fitness organization Turkey, 20 percent of employees feel that they feel bad about themselves if they take a break after regular lunch. On the other hand, a study by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that lunch breaks increase workers' productivity and focus on work.
Foods that speed things up
Having the right diet can speed up work at work. Foods like pasta, bread, cereals and soda make the body make glucose faster, which helps speed up work. On the other hand, high-fat foods increase intestinal function and reduce oxygen levels in the brain. This type of food increases appetite.
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Anna before Anna 3 weeks after
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In fact, some folks are losing even 15 lbs per week with no extra skin issues.
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