How to start a workout routine at the gym with weight loss and gain muscle and top 7 exercises to do everyday (100% effective method with videos)

How to start a workout routine at the gym with weight loss and gain muscle and the top 7 exercises to do every day 

7 steps to create a training routine for beginners

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Whether you decide to return to exercise after a long break or you are getting ready for the first time, welcome to your new adventure. But there are many exercise programs out there for beginners, where do you start?

With so many choices, it can be difficult to take those first steps (or sit-ups, lounges or planks). Here comes some planning. Knowing what’s in store makes your new fitness path a lot easier.

"Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who go to the gym and don't know where to start," said Aaron Leventhal, a former professional football player and owner of the Minneapolis-based Fit Studio. "It's perfectly normal. But not having a plan also increases the risk of giving up. Do yourself a favor and take the time to sit down and decide where you want to go from here." Here are seven steps to get started.

Step 1: Schedule and set goals

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Although it is tempting to jump to the right and get everything out, this method can have an all-or-nothing result and it is easy to weed out quickly. Instead, Levanthal suggests creating a timeline for the next 30 days.

As part of this, determine what kind of achievable goal you want to see in a month. Aim for positive and realistic results. For example, maybe your goal is to climb stairs to work without asthma at the top. Or you can try using free weights to build strength from bodyweight exercises.

Step Two: Dynamic Stretching

When you start putting your plans together, it's a good idea to set aside at least 30 minutes a day for exercise. If you’re doing cardio classes, you may need more time, but half an hour as a base is a good goal with a beginner’s workout routine.

Allow at least five to 10 minutes for dynamic stretching as well, which means the stretches you do to warm up for the upcoming activity. Unlike static stretching, where you are stationary during stretching, slow, controlled movement is involved to become dynamic. For example, you can do slow arm movements before strength exercises or rotate your hips before climbing a treadmill.

Step 3 - Choose your heart

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You hate treadmills but love treadmills. You like dance lessons, but get bored riding bikes or rowing machines. The good news: There are plenty of options to improve your cardiovascular health, so you'll probably find some of your favorites.

Just make sure you start with a good beginner level - walking is a great option because you can make rapid progress, as opposed to something like HIIT.

Step 4: Include strength training

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Too many novice athletes, “strength training” can feel like you’re hoping to hit weightlifters and start lifting weights and bench presses. While these are certainly fun options for later workout mixes, the first aspect of energy when starting is bodyweight training.

Prevention of body weight exercise is not gravity, dumbbells, barbells or any other weight. This means you can do these movements anywhere and progress by adding more repetitions instead of adding more weight. However, once you feel comfortable with body weight movement, feel free to move on to weight movement.

Step 5 - Find a program (or program suite) that suits you

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For many who are just starting their training adventure, this is a 30-day program that can be especially useful for beginners.

Find one that combines strength and cardio and ideally start with dynamic stretches. For example, Xtend Barre is a 30-day, 30-minute home workout that checks all of these boxes.

One of the great advantages of finding such a program is continuity, which is crucial for getting into the habit, says Leventhal. When you have a program that you follow, be it a flowing workout at home, a mix you create yourself, or working with a personal trainer, you begin to make exercise time a regular part of your schedule. If you have an "extra" half hour you need to click instead.

Step 6: Embedded Recovery

Picture: How to Start from Basic to advance level workout and recovery plan

Whether you compile your own cardio and energy program or follow a specific one, don’t skip recovery time. Exercising is not always good, especially for beginners.

Step 7: Celebrate Your Progress

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If you've made a plan but haven't started exercising yet, congratulations on taking the first step! If you're on day three and you're making time to work despite a simple schedule, congratulations on setting your priorities!

If you really, really, really don't want to exercise today but do anyway, congratulations on breaking that emotional plateau!

Every day you win priority over yourself and your health. Celebrate it, because it is progress. After all, keep going!

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