Full-body workout plan for weight loss and muscle building | Workout routine for gym

Step by step gym workout best routine ever | Workout routine for gym

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Best tips to success in gym workout

Before starting workout you have to make sure that your water bottle is ready. Your safety equipment's like gym belt, wrist support, knee support and gloves if needed is readily available in your gym bag. You have to follow the step by step video tutorials which I think best for your gym workout routine and plan to success. Don't forget to use separate towels.

During start workout you play music list Playlist1, Video Playlist YouTube, Playlist 3. Now its time to start workout and follow every video step by step tutorials for injury reduced best workout plan ever. Use headphone and connect with your mobile device and take your mobile in the safest place like bag and connect with Bluetooth.

Step 1: Cardio and Warm-up How Much Cardio Should You Do To Lose Belly Fat? (4 Step Plan)

How much cardio do you need to burn belly fat? 

Then you are in the right place. I will be talking about cardio and specifically how to get rid of belly fat. The truth is, most people who want to burn belly fat are doing cardio the wrong way, which doesn't take into account the various metabolic adaptations we go through. The thing is, by following the right aerobic exercise plan, you can get past the plateau where you can lose belly fat. we'll see

The main limitation of cardio for fat loss is that as you lose weight and improve your fitness, your body tries to compensate by burning fewer calories throughout the day. This is definitely bad news if you want to burn belly fat. But at the same time, I don't want to do too many things at once.

So how exactly do we account for these factors? We can do this with a 4-step plan that, combined with a caloric deficit from your diet, will help you tone your body and ultimately lose belly fat. Get into the habit of moving and sticking to a cardio plan and then move on. , 10 minutes of uninterrupted walking each day. You can do light cycling or low-intensity, low-impact aerobic exercise.

Step 2 Gradually increase the duration and difficulty of your aerobic exercise. Again, the key is to increase your cardio very slowly over time so you don't hit any plateaus in your successful belly fat loss.

When applying the above three steps, you need to make sure that you are not compensating outside of these aerobic exercises. Therefore, all three variables should be controlled and monitored to ensure that this potential trade-off does not hinder belly fat loss. First, count your steps. Second, you should stick to a regular weight lifting routine. Finally, you should monitor and control your calorie intake to make sure you are still in a calorie deficit.

The last step is to maintain your new body. Find a routine or hobby that you can stick to that will make it easier for you to maintain your new weight and shape.

Here's a summary of how much cardio I did to burn belly fat:

Step 1 (Baseline): Start with a low baseline cardio level.
Step 2 (Increase): Gradually increase the duration/intensity of your weekly cardio until you reach a plateau.
Step 3 (Control): Control all other variables and keep them constant (weight, daily steps, calorie intake) to avoid aerobic exercise costs.
Step 4 (Maintenance): Once you've successfully lost belly fat, find a routine that will help you maintain your new weight and figure.

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Step 2: STRETCHING : Best Science Based Research | How To Unlock Your Mobility in 5 Minutes (DAILY STRETCH)

If we don't regularly use the full range of motion of our joints through mobility training, we quickly lose our ability to do so. This impairs our whole body mobility; shoulders, hips, back and ankles just don't move like they used to. So today I'm going to show you how by targeting the right areas and the right range of motion exercises, you can dramatically improve your mobility with just 5 minutes of stretching routines. Implement this daily stretching routine and you'll feel better, your lifting will improve, and you'll likely soon notice the release of tight and sleepy muscles you may never have known existed.

First, why is this 5-minute stretching routine so effective? The shorter the stretching routine, the more likely you will be able to stick with it. And second, since this routine is only 5 minutes long, we need to make sure it targets the areas that need the most help. That's why we chose 3 key areas: hips, upper back and ankles.

The first step of our daily stretching routine will be used to loosen the spine and back muscles in preparation for our next exercise. To do this, get on all fours with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. From there, gently roll your back up toward the ceiling.
When you do, take a deep breath and lower your head. Then, as you exhale, reverse this movement.

Picture: Leg stretching 

Another of our movement exercises is called the “World’s Greatest Stretch”. Get into a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet together. From there, lunge forward by lifting your right leg as high as possible. Then take your right hand, place it on your knee and push your knee out and back and then forward and back several times. Then try to lower your right elbow as far as possible to the ground while rotating your upper body down to the ground. To really open up your mid and upper back, rotate your entire upper body up and to the right and extend your right arm as far as possible above your head. Then stretch and repeat for 5 reps or about 30 seconds total before switching to the next side.

Next up in our mobility training, the modified Asian squat. First, get a rolled up towel and place your heels on it. From there, using a squatting stance that is usually just outside shoulder width, squat as deep as is comfortable for you. Keep your chest up and try to keep your heels down. From there, place your hands on the inside of your legs and use your elbows to push your knees out. Sit in this position for 30 seconds. For the next 30 seconds, move from side to side to stretch each ankle one at a time.

Next, we really focus on mobilizing the upper back. Get into a semi-kneeling position with your right leg bent as close to the wall as possible and your left leg forward in a lunge position. Place both arms straight in front of you and touch the wall with your right arm. From there, push into the wall with your right hand and rotate your upper body to the left, trying to reach the other side of the wall with your left arm. Return to the starting position, then repeat for 30 seconds before switching sides.

The exercise we will use is slides. To do this, stand with your back against a wall and contract your abs to flatten your lower back against the wall. Then move your hands up and down the wall. To make it easier when starting, place your feet further away from the wall. Over time, try to bring your feet closer and closer to the wall while doing your best to keep your lower back flat against the wall.

Here's a full 5-minute routine to help with full-body mobility:

Exercise 1: Cat Cow (60 seconds)
Exercise 2: The World's Greatest Stretch (30 seconds per side)
Exercise 3: Asian Squat (30 second hold, 30 second rocking from side to side)
Exercise 4: Half Knee Chest Rotation (30 seconds)
Exercise 5: Slides on the wall

Aim to do as many high-quality reps as possible in the 1 minute you have for each exercise. Implement this every day, try to move more and complement it with gym exercises like split squats and overhead presses to help you really use your new mobility and you'll see massive improvements in how you move and feel very quickly . . And for a step-by-step program that takes a holistic, science-based approach to transforming your body by focusing not only on your exercise, but also on your nutrition, your mobility.

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Step 3 : Pre-Workout Injury free Exercise plan The Best 1-Minute Exercise For Faster Gains (DO THIS PRE-WORKOUT!) 

Today I want to talk about the dead bug exercise. One of the best core exercises out there, taking just 1 minute if done pre-workout and consistently over time, it can not only help potentially accelerate your gains, but also help minimize the risk of injury and even potentially relieve lower back pain. And that's exactly what I'm going to share with you - how one of the best abs exercises (more specifically, the basic dead bug exercise) helps with core stability training. It does this by training a muscle group that most people just don't train properly.

What exactly is this muscle? 

Well, it's the transversus abdominis. This muscle actually sits behind your rectus abdominis and wraps horizontally around your lower abdomen to stabilize your spine almost like a weight belt. But the problem is that this muscle is weak as hell in a lot of people and is one of the most common causes of strength plateaus on big lifts and even back pain. And the reason this muscle is commonly flaccid is because your typical "ab" exercises like push-ups and bicycle kicks just won't cut it when it comes to this muscle. This muscle is instead best strengthened through isometric exercises that are designed to improve muscular endurance and coordination.

But what exactly does it look like? It's something called the dead bug exercise that has been proven and used in several studies to improve core stability because it seems to best activate the transversus abdomens along with other core muscles. This exercise is what is called an "anti-extension" exercise. A dead bug will teach you how to move on your limbs without compensating your spine. Some of you may have seen or even tried this exercise before, but I guarantee you that you have not been doing it correctly and in a way that really strengthens the transversus abdominis to the greatest extent.

Picture: Pre-Workout Injury free Exercise 

To properly begin the basic dead bug exercise, simply lie on your back with your knees bent like this. Next, take a deep breath into your belly, exhale deeply, and on a near-maximal exhale draw your belly button into your spine to strengthen your core and flatten your lower back to the ground. You want to brace yourself as if someone is about to drop a ball on your stomach. Once you get it down, continue breathing while maintaining a brace in your core, then raise your arms straight up and bend your knees to 90 degrees. Your lower back should still be on the ground and you should still be pushing up.

Nail it for at least 60 seconds. Once you're ready, you'll want to slowly work your way up for an enhanced core stability workout. To do so, you can start with a proper squat again and then just raise one arm at a time. You can then work your way up from there to a full deadlift while simultaneously stretching the opposite arms and legs. And then from there you can even move to something like hollow body holds and even hollow body rocks. You can even experiment with holding a resistance band under your lower back as you move to make sure you keep it flat against the ground or it will slip.

So for exactly when and how to use one of the best core exercises available (the dead bug) what I would recommend is to first pick a routine that best suits your current level of core strength and that you can do correctly for about a minute without absolutely tiring . You'll want to do this as part of your warm-up routine shortly before you get into your workout, especially if that workout involves exercises that require a lot of core stability. I would even recommend that if your core is quite weak that you do this exercise regularly between sets of these exercises, just to get your core fired up and this neurological firing pattern during your movements even more entrenched.

But I hope you were able to see that these are the muscles that we tend to unknowingly neglect that very easily start to hinder our progress and put us at greater risk of injury. That's why it's so important not to overlook them during training.


Step 4: PUSH UP | The Perfect Push-Up To Build Muscle (AVOID THESE MISTAKES!) 

Due to the large amount of muscle mass and joints involved in this exercise, there are many things that can go wrong when it comes to push-up form or when doing push-ups. Which is not only detrimental to growth, but it's also problematic in terms of injury and pain because we tend to do high volume push ups and the wear and tear from improper push up form can build up very quickly. So in this push up form tutorial, I'm going to share the most common and problematic push up mistakes and how to fix them right away so you know how to do push ups correctly. Once you've gone through the necessary control of push up form, you'll be able to see faster growth while avoiding potential injury.

The most common mistake people make with their pushup form is to spread their elbows out too often as a result of using too wide a hand position because they think it will better target and enlarge the chest. But instead, it actually does the opposite, putting our shoulders at greater risk of injury. Whenever we perform any pressing movement like a push-up, we want our elbow angle to be in line with our pectoral fibers. Instead, use a grip that is roughly just beyond shoulder width or narrower. And when you do push-ups, remember to tuck your elbows into your body rather than spread them out. Best right around 45 degrees.

Also, a common problem we see is that people tend to have their hands slightly rotated. This not only promotes elbow extension, but also puts us at greater risk of shoulder impingement. Not to mention the added shear stress on the elbows as well. So when you do push-ups, keep your hands in a neutral position. You'll then want to promote this position as you go into the push-up by thinking about distributing the weight in your hands externally rather than internally, and again thinking about bringing your arms out.

Most people don't realize that by making very simple adjustments to your push up form, you can actually emphasize specific muscles more than others. Which is convenient when you want to specifically focus on the work of a certain muscle group. And for that, we want to focus mainly on what our elbows and shoulders do during movement.

For example, as mentioned in this push up form tutorial, if we wanted to make the push up more chest focused, then we want to limit the amount of bend our elbow experiences by moving our hands a touch during the set. and then, while performing the push-up, we keep the elbow directly on the wrist. Alternatively, if we wanted the push to focus more on the triceps, then we want to maximize the amount of elbow bend. This can be done by tucking your elbows in and lowering them down and back as far away from your hands as you are comfortable doing push-ups. Finally, if we wanted to emphasize the shoulders a little more, then we would want to raise the legs to a sufficiently high platform or perform a pike press.
Picture: Chest Fly Workout

Another push up form check you need to do is the shrug. Even if you have the right hand placement, once you start to tire and grind out the reps, it's easy to let your shoulders hunch toward your ears. Not only does this shift the stress from your chest to your traps, but it also causes you to lose tons of stability and pressing power. So instead, use your lats to actively pull your shoulders down and away from your ears and into a stable, locked position that you'll want to hold. Last but not least is speed. If push-ups are pretty easy for you, instead of just trying to bang out more push-ups as fast as possible, slow it down and take at least 2.5 to complete each push-up. You can even slow down further to 5 or 6 seconds per push-up if you need some extra difficulty. Doing so will allow you to put more stress on and grow your target muscles as you get stronger overtime while putting less stress on your joints.


Step 5: After pushup you should do Dumbbells'/Barbell Bench Press | STOP Doing Dumbbell Press Like This (5 Mistakes Slowing Your Chest Gains)

When it comes to chest exercises, the dumbbell bench press is probably the most effective option you could use to build your chest. Compared to the barbell bench press, it allows you to train with a greater range of motion and can help prevent one side from becoming more developed than the other. This means that the DB bench press is not as simple as pressing weights up and down. If you don't do it right, instead of working your chest, you'll end up working other muscles like the front of your shoulders and triceps. This happens especially in the case of 5 mistakes in the form of a bench press with dumbbells. Let's start with the #1 mistake most people make when training their chest.

The first mistake in DB bench press form has to do with the path of your arms. People usually use a very wide arm path and press the dumbbells straight up and down. Not only has this form been shown to have a greater risk of shoulder injury, but it also doesn't stimulate the chest very well. To maximize chest activation, you want the path of your arms to line up in the same direction that your chest fibers are pulling. You can do this by pulling your elbows to an angle of about 45 to 60 degrees away from your body and allowing your grip to rotate slightly with your elbow.

The #2 mistake you're probably making when bench pressing with dumbbells has to do with your forearms. Make sure you don't bend them inwards. This is because bending your forearms inward shortens the lever, which makes the movement easier by taking some of the load off the chest. It also engages the triceps more to take some of the load as well. So lighten the weight, keep your forearm vertically above your elbow during each repetition and you will immediately feel the difference.

The third dumbbell bench press mistake usually comes from your everyday posture. Since many of us are already stuck in a slouched position, we tend to roll our shoulders forward whenever we press. This can lead to the front of the shoulders experiencing most of the growth. To avoid this, I would suggest first stretching your back over a foam roller and then doing belt curls and stretches to encourage chest activation. Then, when you actually start moving, on the way down, think about using your back muscles to pull the weight toward your chest by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then, on the way up, avoid dropping your shoulders forward. Keep your chest up and think about squeezing your biceps into the sides of your chest.
Picture: Incline Bench Press

It is important to avoid this additional mistake in the upper position and also for optimal chest structure. The main function of the chest is horizontal adduction. Knowing this, you might think that bringing the arms as close to the top as possible will better engage the chest. Some people even touch the barbell together at the top. However, since we are using dumbbells, the line of force is straight down due to gravity. This means that once your arms are stretched across your shoulders, there is actually no more tension on your chest. Going further doesn't stimulate the chest any further and wastes energy that could otherwise be used for your next rep. Instead of maintaining a constant tension in your chest, stop each repetition as soon as your arms end up straight over your shoulders.

The last fault is not really about form and instead has to do with the angle of the bench. The flat barbell press is great, but most of the growth you'll get from this exercise will be in your mid-chest, which can lead to an underdeveloped upper and lower chest. So in addition to the flat barbell bench, I would also recommend doing the incline press once a week. Now when it comes to your lower chest, for most people the flat barbell press will already hit that area pretty well. However, some studies suggest that a slight dip can help activate this area even more effectively.

After using these different chest workout fixes, you'll notice that you won't be able to lift nearly as much as you used to. It might hurt the ego, but it means your chest is doing most of the work now. You will very quickly feel and see the difference it makes in your chest development.


Step 6: Chest Fly by Dumbbells' Cable Fly Chest workout but STOP Doing Chest Fly's Like This (5 Mistakes Slowing Your Chest Gains) 

Chest flies are one of the most effective chest building exercises. But if you don't do them right, you'll end up working other muscles like your shoulders instead of your chest. There are 5 common form mistakes that almost everyone makes when doing chest exercises. They are easy to fix, but when used for chest training, they make a huge difference when it comes to chest growth. Generally there are 3 different types of chest flies you can do. Chest movements with dumbbells, chest on cables and chest on a machine like a furnace deck. Some of these options are better than others. But now that we've gone through the bugs and fixes, I'll make sure to show you how they apply to each of these variants.

The first mistake has to do with bending the elbows when doing chest flies. I'll use a barbell fly to illustrate this. In the down position, the straighter your arm is, the more tension will be applied to your chest. However, the straighter your arms go, the more your biceps are involved. Eventually, there comes a point where your biceps work harder than your chest and become a limiting factor in movement. The same is true with cable fly or pec deck. So instead, in the bottom position, you'll want to keep a slight bend in your elbows so that your hands are just slightly outside the elbows. However, once you reach the top position, the opposite is now true. Straighten your arms and think about squeezing your elbows together as you approach the end position.

Another common mistake when doing chest exercises has to do with something called the line of force. Let's explain this with a cable fly. During this exercise, the direction of the rope will determine where the force is applied to your body. To maximize chest activation, the direction of the cable must be aligned with the direction of your arms. You can play with the cable height and arm position until you get the hang of it. And the same goes for the pec deck or even the barbell fly. However, in this case, since you can't set the line of force like you can with cables, you'll want to simply keep your elbows up so that your hands and shoulders are always at the same height, rather than letting your elbows drop. .

Another mistake: since many of us are stuck in a hunched over position, your shoulders will have a natural tendency to want to take over as you go through chest exercises. To ensure that tension is applied to the chest, first bring the shoulders down and away from the ears, then pull the chest up and out. Focus on squeezing your biceps into the sides of your chest. Your chest should stay up and out throughout, rather than letting your shoulders come forward and take control.

Another mistake has to do with how you set up the fly. During regular barbell chest flies, cable chest lunges, or pec deck lunges, the main target area is the mid-chest. If you're already doing a lot of flat bench presses and barbell presses that already target your mid-chest, I'd recommend adjusting your fly settings to put more stress on your upper and lower chest. The peck deck cannot be adjusted much because of the fixed bench. But with the rope fly, to target the lower chest, you should raise the pulleys higher and do a high to low flight. To target your upper chest, you'll want to use a bench set at a slight incline. The same can be done with dumbbells by using a slight incline to emphasize the upper chest and a slight decline by placing a plate under one end of the bench to emphasize the lower chest.
Picture: Chest Fly Cable fly best workout for chest muscles growth

The last mistake has to do with the type of chest fly you choose. The main limitation of barbell flyes is that they are really hard and push your chest in the bottom position. Most of you are probably already doing a barbell press, bench press, or machine chest press before you get to chest. These exercises challenge your chest the most in a fully extended position. So subsequent barbell flying may be unnecessary. Instead of potentially maximizing growth, your training should stress your chest through its full range of motion, especially in that end position where your arms are locked.
How? Simple, with properly done cable chest flies or machine chest flies, the cables have a slight advantage as you can easily adjust them to target different areas of the chest as we went over.


Step 7 : Arms workout like Bicep, Triceps and Shoulder do sequentially 

When it comes to how to get bigger biceps, the truth is that it is not an easy task. But if you're serious about maximizing and prioritizing biceps growth, then there are a few strategies (such as choosing the right biceps exercises and proper biceps training structure) that we can use. In this video I go over what these strategies are and how to use them to build big biceps fast in the next 8 weeks of your training. I guarantee that even if you're not "responding" or just haven't seen many results with your current biceps regimen, implementing this plan will help you build big biceps or whatever muscle you apply these strategies to.

The first thing we're going to want to do to build big biceps is increase your weekly bicep volume. And it looks like we might be able to get up to 30 series a week and still see a growth benefit. This does not mean that you should include 30 sets of biceps in your training and do it once a week. You don't want to do more than 8-10 hard sets per muscle in each workout. So knowing this, we'll want to break up our weekly biceps volume into 2-3 workouts per week to stay within the one session limit. What I would personally recommend is to use something like an upper/lower split or leg push pull split and split your weekly biceps volume accordingly. Once you have this setup, slowly increase your weekly volume over the weeks.
Picture: She is showing her bicep and back muscles

Next, if you want to get big biceps fast, you want to adjust your recovery to promote bicep growth. All other muscle groups we train require energy, effort and nutrients to recover and grow. So if our main goal is to increase the size of our biceps, it is a good idea to reduce the volume we devote to other muscle groups. Reducing the volume to around 9 weekly sets seems to be enough to maintain or in some cases even grow muscle, so it's a good idea to stick with it.

Next, we want to make sure that the weekly volume we do has the right range of biceps exercises. We want to do this to help 1) ensure adequate targeting of both the short and long heads of the biceps, 2) train the biceps using different force curves to maximally stimulate all the different areas and fibers of the biceps. biceps and 3) it will better prevent us from the overuse and wear and tear injuries that would build up very quickly if we piled tons of volume into multiple repetitive movements. To keep it simple, here are 5 biceps exercises that do just that and provide a good variety of biceps stimulation for the reasons I noted.

1. Dumbbell incline (emphasizes the long head and challenges maximal biceps contraction the most)
2. Dumbbell preacher curls (emphasizes the short head and attacks the biceps stretch position the most)
3. Dumbbell curls (for more load and the greatest load of the middle range of the biceps)
4. Cable twist (provides constant biceps tension)
5. Standing curling (emphasizes the supination function of the biceps)

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Simply break 4 or 5 of these movements and/or similar variations into your weekly biceps workouts as needed, and then, as explained earlier, gradually increase the sets you spend on each of these exercises over the weeks.

Next, we want to manipulate the order of our workouts to encourage the growth of our biceps again. During any workout you throw in your bicep exercises, move them to the beginning of the workout when you're fresh to further prioritize them. Finally, when it comes to how to get bigger biceps, you can't forget about nutrition. Ideally, if you want to maximize recovery and growth during these 8 weeks, then you'll want to eat in a moderate calorie surplus. And of course more importantly, we want to make sure we get enough protein during this period by having at least 0.8-1g of protein per lb of our body weight.

Step 7 : Continuing Biceps Training effectively The Best Science-Based Bicep Workout | ARMS (Part 1/2)

In this two-part video series on the best biceps and triceps, I will discuss the best arm exercises and best arm exercises based on science (10 studies) and our anatomical understanding of the arms. In part 1 of this series, I will discuss the best biceps exercises and the best biceps exercises for size and shape. The bicep curl variations shown in this video will help you tremendously in adding more mass to your arms and help develop your "bicep peak". But it's important that you don't just think about "getting bigger biceps" because that should be the goal, but the shape and definition of your biceps is just as important. To get well-defined biceps and arms, you need to work each part of the biceps – the long head, the short head, and the brachialis (as well as the brachioradialis). All of these components, if properly trained, will help build an aesthetically pleasing arm with size, shape and definition.

If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out Part 2 of this series when it comes out, where I'll cover the best triceps exercises as shown by the current scientific literature. And as always, please don't forget to like the video, leave a comment below, and subscribe to my channel! It really helps me and motivates me to keep making videos like this. Cheers!

Step 8: Triceps Workout The Best Science-Based Triceps Workout | ARMS (Part 2/2) 

In this part 2 video mentioned above in this article of my arm series, I will discuss the best triceps workout to hit every triceps head based on current scientific literature and our anatomical understanding of the arms. Although it’s important to know that all 3 triceps heads (long head, lateral head, and medial head) will be activated in all movements, we can emphasize the involvement of each of them by choosing the right exercises for each head of the triceps which in a way will provide “triceps head isolation”. These exercises will not only help with increasing triceps size and getting bigger triceps with that “horseshoe triceps” effect, they will also help in improving the overall definition of your triceps and allowing each head to grow in proportion with each other. In my opinion, these are the best exercises for bigger triceps and putting on more triceps mass while keeping them in proportion. 

Picture: Showing muscles during workout

Tips to muscle growth and gym workout

  • Look at the mirror and target your muscles during workout
  • Drink little bit water during exercise
  • Use gym belt and knee support during heavy workout

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Step 9: Shoulder  Exercises The Best Science-Based Shoulder Workout for Size and Symmetry 

When it comes to the "best shoulder workout" you need to consider working out all three heads of the shoulders. These include the front delt, the middle delt (or "side delt"), and the rear delt. These three heads really create huge shoulders and give a "3D shoulders" or "cannonball" look. Although all 3 heads will be activated to some degree during all shoulder exercises as stated in the literature, certain shoulder heads can be emphasized by choosing the right shoulder exercises and manipulating the way you perform them. It's also important to note that the front delts already get enough activation in many pressing movements. Therefore, you should focus more on developing the lateral and rear (middle and side) delts to create bigger delts. In this video, I will go over the best shoulder exercises and the best shoulder training for weight based on the scientific literature and our anatomical understanding of the shoulder muscles.

If you liked the article and video embedded here, don't forget to like it, leave a comment below, share it with your friends and subscribe to my channel. I really appreciate the support you all have shown me, it helps motivate me to keep doing it and putting out quality articles and embedded videos as well.

Step 10: Back Workout The Best Science-Based Back Workout (TARGET EVERY MUSCLE!) 

In this article and related video, I discuss the best back workout that utilizes exercises for large backs as well as exercises for wider backs based on current scientific literature and our anatomical understanding of the back muscles. It is important that you not only choose the right back exercises, but also that you do them in the right way to target the right muscles. If you want to add more mass, depth and width to your upper back and lower back while targeting the muscles that are important for scapula and shoulder stability, then this is the best back exercise video for you.

In the article and sequentially video above, I discuss 5 exercises that I believe are essential to developing a powerful and attractive backhand: deadlifts, pull-ups, chest-supported rows, lat pulldowns, and scapular pulldowns. .

I will go through each of these exercises and show the muscle anatomy involved in each exercise as well as the best variations of these exercises based on current research. It is equally important that you target the correct back muscles when performing each of these exercises. I will discuss a few "hints" and tips that have helped me minimize the involvement of secondary muscles and focus on using my back during each movement.

Don't forget to like the article and video and leave a comment if you liked it and found it useful!


Step 11: Legs Workout step by step and the Best Science-Based Leg Workout for Growth (Glutes/Quads/Hams)

In this article and related video mentioned above,  I’m going to be covering the “best” leg workout for mass and strong legs based on scientific literature and our understanding of the leg muscles. I’ll go through the most effective leg exercises that best activate the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. These exercises are great for men and women, if your goal is leg hypertrophy (bigger legs) from your leg workouts. 

Picture: Lunges Workout for Nice shape of legs

The four exercises I will discuss are the barbell back squat, front squat, Bulgarian split squat, and hip thrusts for glutes using a barbell. This combination of bilateral and unilateral leg exercises is ideal in order to add mass to the leg while correcting asymmetries that would be caused by only using bilateral exercises. Stick around until the end where I provide a full sample leg workout you guys can get started with right away.


How to Legs Workout and the Best Science-Based DUMBBELL Legs Exercises For Size And Symmetry

To be honest, when it comes to leg training, nothing beats heavy deadlifts or squats. However, sometimes we may need to change our leg exercises depending on our circumstances and the availability of equipment (e.g. leg exercises at home). Today I'm going to show you how to get into an intense lower body workout with just dumbbells. But before we go over the exercises for this dumbbell leg exercise, we need to talk about the rep range for your leg exercises first. Instead of using our typical moderate rep ranges, we'll use higher reps for most of our barbell leg sets, focusing on getting close enough to failure with each set that our leg muscles are sufficiently activated despite using lower Scales.

The first exercise we'll start with for leg training is barbell squat jumps. Not only will this work most of our lower body muscles, such as the quads and glutes, but it will also help improve our athleticism and can help better prepare our lower body muscles and nervous system for the rest of the workout. Squat just above parallel instead of all the way down, then explode on the way up with near-max effort for a total of just 6 reps for 4 or 5 sets. Next, we move on to the skating squat. The key difference between this exercise and other variations of the single leg squat or back squat is that the hips move more back and the trunk leans more forward, resulting in significantly more activation of the hamstrings and glutes.

Next, we move on to a variation of the four dominant lunges in our barbell leg workout. The simplest variant of the lunge is split squats. Since the skater squats we did before this one already did a great job of emphasizing our hamstrings and glutes, we want to focus this exercise more on the quads. We can do this by narrowing our stance during our setup and keeping our torso upright so that your front knee can move more forward. Now, if you think you need an even harder movement or only have access to lighter weights, then simply do what is known as a Bulgarian split squat, where you lift your back leg to put even more weight on the front leg.

Next, in this at-home leg workout, we'll focus on the hamstrings with the single-leg Romanian deadlift, which has several advantages over the double leg: you won't need as much weight to stress the leg. muscles - and you will have more activation from the stabilization muscles. If this seems too difficult to balance, you can start the regression with a split stance and use the back leg to provide a little more stability. Next, we'll perform a prone barbell curl to further target the hamstrings, but instead with a dominant knee bend movement. This is important because the short head of the biceps femoris, one of our hamstrings, passes over the knee joint and can only be trained by flexing the knee.

We're going to use something called an adductor bridge to finish off this intense lower body workout with only dumbbells. This is especially important because strengthening the adductors greatly reduces the possibility of groin injury. Finally, to finish off the higher volume exercise, we'll use dumbbell cup squats. Since our legs are already quite overtired from our previous exercises, we are able to ensure greater muscle fatigue in the legs with this exercise, even though we are using a relatively lighter weight. Push hard and focus on bulking up and take these sets to failure.

Here is a complete list of dumbbell leg exercises:

  • Barbell Jump Squats: 4 sets of 6 strength reps (~2 minutes rest between sets)
  • Skater Squat: 3 sets for each leg (~45 seconds rest between legs)
  • Variation with four dominant lunges: 3 sets for each leg (~45 seconds of rest between legs)
  • SLRD: 3 sets for each leg (~45 seconds of rest between legs)
  • Bench DB Curl: 3 sets of 6-8 slow reps (90 seconds rest between sets)

  • Copenhagen Adductor Bridge: 2 sets of 6-8 reps (30 second rest between legs)

  • DB Goblet Squat: 1-3 sets to failure

Even if you don't have a lot of fancy equipment, if you take the time to choose your exercises carefully and execute them correctly, you can create an effective muscle-building workout that also doesn't forget important muscle groups.

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Step 12: GLUTES EXERCISE ROUNDER GLUTES: 5 Mistakes Keeping Your Butt Flat 

Wondering how to get a round butt? For most men and women, round, firm buttocks are considered more attractive than having a flat pancake bottom. But a nice-looking butt isn't just important for turning heads. The glutes are a key muscle for athletic performance, and keeping them strong can also significantly prevent back and hip pain. The problem is that most people approach training their glutes in the wrong way. Especially the 5 mistakes that prevent them from getting the bubble. Find out what they are and how you can avoid them to round out your bum here. It includes the best exercises you can do for round glutes.

Before we dive into the mistakes that prevent you from achieving a bubble butt, let's first understand the anatomy of the glutes. The glutes consist of 3 muscles; gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus is much larger than the other 2 gluteal muscles. In fact, it is the largest and heaviest muscle in the human body. It is also a strong predictor of sprint performance. Since this muscle makes up the majority of your bottom and seems to be the most important area for increasing athletic performance, it only makes sense to focus your training on it. But most people fail to do this because of the following 5 mistakes.

The first mistake people make that locks them into a flat pancake bottom has to do with exercise selection. The primary function of the gluteus maximus is hip extension, a movement that propels your hips forward. Most of the "back exercises" you find on the internet either don't train hip extension at all and focus on the smaller glutes, or they train hip extension but not in a way that allows you to use heavier and heavier weights over time. . Instead, the best glute exercises are those that focus on hip extension and allow you to use heavier weight overtime. Exercises like back squats, leg presses, Bulgarian split squats, deadlifts and hip thrusts. They're not fancy, but if you use proper form and get really strong with them over time, they'll be the key to the glute growth you're looking for.
Picture: Model Bodybuilder

The second mistake most people make when trying to round out their glutes is to work more quads than glutes. If you were to place your feet higher on the platform in the leg press and stop each rep once your knees reach 90 degrees, this would allow your shins to stay vertically above your foot the entire time, and it would also involve more hip extension, so stress the glutes more than the quads. You can do these one leg at a time, and you can also apply this concept to lunges and Bulgarian split squats.

Okay, we talked about the quads taking over, but with other glutes exercises, the lower back and hamstrings actually tend to take over. Let's take a look at one of the best exercises for the round glutes, the Romanian deadlift. Use some knee bends to accentuate your glutes more. This incorporates more hip extension into the exercise. Other than that, you should only go down as far as your mobility allows. This is the point at which the hips stop moving backwards on the way down. So try looking in the mirror and notice the point where your hips can't move back, and stop at that point for each rep.

Okay, so we've already mentioned what the best glute exercises are, but how you program them into your workouts is also very important when it comes to how to get a round butt. You want to include exercises that challenge the glutes in a variety of ways. Bulgarian split squats, back squats, leg presses, and Romanian deadlifts target the glutes the most in the bottom position. However, in the upper position there is no tension on the buttocks. So we would want to look for exercises that attack the muscle when it is fully shortened. Exercises like hip thrusts and 45 degree hip extensions do this. To apply this to your glute workouts, pick 1-2 exercises that work the glutes the most in the bottom position, then include the 1 that works the glutes the most in the top position.

Finally: while choosing the right exercises and performing them correctly will set you up for success, some people (especially those who sit a lot) will still have trouble activating and feeling their glutes work. One way to improve this is through activation exercises.


Step : 13 Abs Workout How To Get 6 Pack Abs With No Equipment (DO THIS ANYWHERE!)

You can build a great set of abs using just your body weight and a few square feet of floor space. I'm going to show you how to get a 6 pack without equipment by first explaining why the "No Equipment Abs" you see (along with countless others) are a waste and how they can do more harm than good, then We'll cover 4 exercises to abs we'll use to hit every area of ​​your six pack that you can easily do at home and finally we'll finish by showing you how to perform a six pack workout for the best results. At the end, you'll have a complete home abs workout download that you can use anywhere to build a great set of abs.

There are 3 things we do with our home abs workout that will make it far more effective than most bodyweight abs exercises. First we hit all 4 areas of your abs. Second, we'll make the exercise harder overtime to constantly stimulate the growth of your abs. Finally, we'll pick the right exercises to target your abs — instead of your hip flexors or lower back.

The first exercise we're going to cover is one of the most challenging ab exercises you can do at home, and it targets your TVA. We are going to recreate the AB version without the gear. Get on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Move into a posterior pelvic tilt by rotating your hips and contracting your abs. Pull your belly button into your spine to fully activate the TVA. Then slowly step your hands forward from there. Just go as far as you can without breaking that form and arching your lower back, then walk your hands back. Work your way through it over time by trying to get your hands further and further.

Now we move on to the next most challenging exercise targeting the lower abs in our no-equipment abs workout. First, lie on your back with your arms straight by your sides and your knees bent to 90 degrees. Initiate a posterior pelvic tilt by squeezing the glutes and contracting the abdominals. Next, don't think about lifting your legs, instead simply curl your pelvis towards your navel. Then avoid arching your lower back on the way back. To make it easier, simply pull your knees closer to your upper body. As your lower abs strengthen, you can increase the difficulty by straightening your legs more and more.

In order to focus on the upper abs in our six pack abs workout, we will now want to use what is known as the "top down" exercise. First, lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands behind your head. Place a rolled t-shirt or towel under your lower back to increase the range of motion your abs go through. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground by arching your spine, then come back down. Avoid jerking your neck as you come up and don't use momentum. Take it slow and feel your upper abs working. To progress in these as you get stronger, put your arms straight overhead and add weight with a bottle or backpack once it gets too easy.

And finally for the obliques: our move is the well-known exercise, Russian Twists. Sit on your butt with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bend your back to an angle of about 45 degrees. From there, the goal is to touch both sides of the country. Avoid simply extending your arms and rotating your torso too much. Instead, let your shoulders dictate your rotation. As you reach each side, focus on trying to line up your shoulder with your leg. Doing this forces you to rotate your torso and engage your obliques. To progress this movement overtime, you can lift your feet slightly off the ground and try to reach more and more with your arms.

Now let's see how to get a six pack with this exercise. Here's what you'll do:

  • Walking: 5-10 repetitions
  • Reverse push-ups: 10-25 reps
  • Push-ups: 10-25 reps
  • Russian Twists: 1 minute
  • Repeat 3 times

You can train 2-3 times a week, but as you get stronger it is important that you try to increase the reps overtime while applying the above progressions. This will simulate the effect of adding more weight so your abs can grow and pop more.
But keep in mind guys, no matter how hard you train your abs, you won't get the six pack you want without a solid diet plan. That's the secret to the incredible transformations that thousands of our members are getting with my Built With Science programs. Within each program, he shows you exactly how to train and how to eat to lose fat and build muscle.

Step 14: Basic to Advance Level Workout 6 PACK ABS For Beginners You Can Do Anywhere


To sum-up if you follow the steps of workout as mentioned above your gym workout will be done perfectly. However, you can separate each steps in individual days but not in a single day because all the workout in a single day is difficult. So, you can do arms workout in Saturday, and legs workout in another day. Similarly, back workout in another day like Monday or Tuesday.  Don't miss to drink little bit water during workout. Use towel and use separate gym workout headphone or box music sound box to perform best results. In addition, You have make proper diet to get perfect transformation of bodies. Follow weight loss healthy diet plan to clear understanding.

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