Biggest Back Workout Mistakes to Avoid and How to Fix Them


The 8 Worst Training Mistakes That Will Limit Your Back

1. Using too much weight

Picture: Back workout with heavy weight

There is no doubt that the number 1 culprit for limiting the development of a big back is using too much weight. While there is certainly a strong correlation between the strength of a muscle and its eventual size, there is an even stronger correlation between keeping a target muscle under tension and being able to "feel" it is doing work. The mind-muscle connection is real and more important than you think.

2. You don't use wrist straps

A lot of guys dismiss wrist straps as "wimpy". They will say that if the weight is too heavy for you to hold, you shouldn't be using it!

But here's the truth: Back training depends on big moves. For many guys, their grip strength fails before their back/lats fail in many sets. In such a case, not using wrist wraps is counterproductive. Unsurprisingly, once guys swallow their pride and solve this problem, their back development takes off.

3. Incomplete range of motion

Picture: Back workout

As a trainer, I'm a big believer in using full ROM, from full extension to contraction for every exercise. Parts have their place, but you should only use them when you no longer have the strength for perfect repetitions. When training the back muscles, exercisers rarely complete every repetition from a deep stretch to an intense contraction - and this is the main reason why they fail to fully develop this area of ​​their body.

4. Not holding the stretch

One of the most effective ways to induce muscle hypertrophy is to cause "trauma" to the muscle fibers themselves. This trauma sends a dramatic signal (anabolism) to the body that growth and repair are necessary to prevent further injury in the future.

4. Not holding the stretch

One of the most effective ways to induce muscle hypertrophy is to cause "trauma" to the muscle fibers themselves. This trauma sends a dramatic signal (anabolism) to the body that growth and repair are necessary to prevent further injury in the future.

6. One dimensional training

A lot of guys do the same movements with the same grip every workout, which means they only develop parts of each back muscle.

During each back workout, try to engage all the motor unit groups in the different back muscles with three different movements or angles: Vertical movement, such as pull-ups or pull-ups; a horizontal movement, such as seated rope or machine rows, and a bent-over movement, such as barbell or barbell rows. You should also use a variety of grips—wide, underhand, and neutral/close—to force your back muscles to engage a little differently each time.

7. Misplaced thumbs

This simple "rule" can make all the difference in getting the most out of your back movements. If your thumbs are on the bar/grip separate from your other fingers, your biceps can pick up a lot of the load, effectively robbing you of potential muscle gains.

8. Missing foundations

While there are many excellent machines that work your back hard, you can't ignore the core muscles for building free weights.

Sure, it can be tempting to attack the lat curl machine at the gym. Everyone does that, right? But a truly focused lifter always builds their routine around free weight movements: barbell rows, barbell rows, T-bar rows, various pull-ups, deadlifts, and barbell/barbell pullovers. After all: How many times have you seen guys in the gym rip through what seems like an impressive amount of weight in a pulldown, only to fail miserably before they can do a single pullup?

It's complicated. The combination of ball joints that allow maximum mobility in the arms, the serpentine ribbon of bones and nerves that divide the area in the middle, and the phalanx of large and small muscles that stretch from the buttock to the neck, is your back at its most complex. a body part. So it's no wonder that many bodybuilders get bad marks for his training. A lot of things can go wrong, but we've simplified the list to the top five. In this article, we'll explore the most common back mistakes and suggest easy solutions to get your back on track. Class is in progress.



Because your back is such a large and complicated muscle group, there is a lot of confusion about how best to train different areas. Many believe that you simply need to bring your hands to the area you want to stimulate – low for the lower grids, high for the upper grids, etc. – but it's not that easy to hit the target.


  • For lat width, focus on chins and pull-ups with a grip wider than shoulder width.
  • For lat thickness, focus on free weight rows: barbell, T-bar, and barbell.
  • The key to activating the lower lats is to keep your elbows at your sides and pull them as far back as possible. Two good exercises are chin-ups, shoulder-width pull-ups, and low-cable one-arm rows, both performed with maximum range of motion during contractions.
  • To target the muscles of the mid, upper back—especially the rhomboids and lower and middle trapezius—do wide-grip chest-pull rows. Using a Smith machine or low cable in a seated position instead of a barbell can help with chest row balance.



One area that was not mentioned in our previous review is the spinal erectors. That's because the most common problem here is not missing the target, but not even trying. It's true that your lower back is stimulated in virtually any standing exercise, but to maximize the size and strength of your lower erector set, you also need some isolation time.


  • Do a deadlift at least every other back workout. Deadlifts work the erector spinae in conjunction with many other muscles.
  • Perform 4-6 sets of lower back isolation exercises at the end of each back routine.
  • Back extensions, stiff leg deadlifts (note: these are different from Romanian deadlifts which involve less flexion and extension in the spine and more flexion and extension in the hips to focus on the hamstrings and glutes) and good mornings are excellent erector isolators. . Another exercise is the back crunch, which starts as a back extension but is a much shorter movement. Instead of bending at the waist/hips, contract your abs and curl your torso down (as if you were doing a crunch) and then push yourself back up by contracting your erectors.



You know that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. This is true for any bodybuilding exercise, but it's especially true for back work, where several secondary muscles and muscle groups (arms, forearms, biceps, rear delts) work in conjunction with your lats and other back muscles. Typically, your hands are the weak link in this chain, and if your grip gives way first, you won't be able to maximally stimulate your back, no matter how strong all the other links are.


  • An underhand grip engages the biceps more and can put you in a stronger position, allowing you to use more weight. Incorporate both underhand and overhand grips into your back routine.
  • Whether over or under arm, always wear training straps for any row, chin or pull down. In research conducted by the Weider Research Group, trained bodybuilders using straps during a typical back workout increased the number of repetitions they were able to complete by one or two in each set of each exercise compared to when they performed the same back workout with bare arms. .
  • Bodybuilders are encouraged to use straps during deadlifts, but if you want to increase your armless deadlift for powerlifting or other sports, alternate your grip by using what's called a staggered grip (one hand underhand, one hand overhand) to better secure the bar. your grip. A study presented at the 2007 National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Meeting by researchers at the Weider Research Group found that trained lifters using an alternating grip significantly increased their deadlift strength compared to a two-handed overhand grip.



The back is tricky and the elbows can travel a lot of paths when pulling back, so most modern gyms offer several unique rowing machines: high rows, low rows, unilateral rows, combination rows/pulldowns, etc. This has encouraged too many bodybuilders. forgo the dumbbell, barbell, and barbell on your back and instead rely primarily on levers, pulleys, cams, and cables. Machines can be more comfortable and lock you in a safe position, but a freer range of motion is generally better for muscle stimulation.


As mentioned, do deadlifts at least every other back workout—with free weights, of course.
Do at least one type of free-weight row—barbell, T-bar, or barbell—in every back workout.
Instead of or in addition to pull-ups, do chin-ups at least every other back workout. If you're not strong enough to do 8 reps on your own, lighten your body weight either by having your partner raise your legs slightly, rest your feet lightly on a bench under the bar, or use a chin-up machine.



Bodybuilders who have trouble isolating their lats tend to either overload with sloppy form, thus over-relying on momentum and spinal erectors, or over-engage their biceps and/or rear delts, never fully extending or contracting their lats. Since you can't watch your back work when you train it, it's especially important to get proper form by feeling the stretch and contraction during rows, pull-ups, and other back lifts.


  • Work the weight, don't let it do the work. Use a weight you can comfortably handle with strict form for 8-12 reps.
  • Pull your elbows back and/or down as far as possible.
  • If your biceps are doing too much work, just use an overhand grip.
  • Focus on the target area of ​​the back. Don't focus on weight or path of movement.

Do isolation work on your back, such as straight arm pull-ups. Because rows and pull-ups/pull-ups involve movement in the elbows, they are multi-joint exercises that use other muscle groups, such as the biceps, in addition to the back muscles. Therefore, these exercises do not isolate the lats. To isolate the lats, include one exercise that doesn't involve elbow movement, such as straight-arm pull-ups. Do this at the end of the workout, row by row.


Important Gym Exercises You Are Doing Wrong | Yatinder Singh

The first exercise I chose is the lat pull down, which is an initial back exercise, targeting the lat part muscles.

My reason for doing this is because it is a common exercise that everyone does And many people play badly. so the most common mistake is that Whenever people pull the rod, they bend too much, which should not be done. So basically you have to sit up straight, chest up, core tight, lower back in And you have to pull the trigger on that. 

It can bend slightly, but you don't need to bend too much, so try to sit straight Second people put a lot of weight in the process of raising the ego and cannot perform the full movement many people only bring the bar to Chin when pulling the bar, which makes them unable to connect to the muscle.

So you need to pull the bar through its full range of motion as close to your chest as possible Squeeze Back, exhale and slowly walk away. 

The third mistake is that people leave the bar Jerking, don't do it, then you have to leave the bar slowly
And fourth, people leave the bar and raise their shoulders too much, which shouldn't be done, so your shoulders will be retracted Pull the bar through its full range of motion. Do not bend too much, press the muscles to connect, exhale and slowly walk away.

The second exercise that most people do is back dips. We perform this exercise for the triceps muscle
I have seen this with most people when they do a back dip. So they bring their back too far forward
Which puts unnecessary strain on your shoulder.

So whenever you do back dips, then your back drop and rise should stay close to the bench, the means should stay close. then the other thing is people don't do full range of motion again. So they just go down a little and go up a little. This is also the wrong way. So you have to go all the way down AND with that you have to do a full range of motion by pushing the triceps until your elbows straighten your triceps don't squeeze And here you have to exhale. How I tell everyone mistakes about your exercises and how to do them correctly.

The third exercise, the one that most people do wrong in the gym, is the middle row. It's the first mistake. people keep their knees straight when exercising, don't do it that way. Whenever you sit, you must bend both knees. After this second mistake in performing the exercise, whenever they pull on the handle, they bend backwards a lot And when you realize they bend more on the front, don't do it.

So you have to do the exercise by sitting straight. After that I saw many people who were behind them
to arch like that is very bad posture. Definitely don't do this. So what you have to do. you have to raise your chest. Retract your shoulder and then perform the exercise. 

The last mistake, which is again an ego problem, people take on too much weight. Because of this, they are unable to perform full range of motion exercises while pulling the handle. He basically gets a repeat of them there. Don't do it because you're overweight. Perform the exercise through a full range of motion get as close to the ABS as possible. Press, hold your back for 1 second, then slowly release And you can't even leave with a jerk. I'll show you by doing 2-3 reps correctly. Pull up, through the full range of motion, squeeze your upper back and slowly release the fourth exercise we're going to do lunges that I've seen a lot of people do incorrectly.

One common mistake people make is keeping both legs in a straight line whenever they lunge. It means as you see on this. I put my heel in front of my paw. Which should not be done, it will also cause problems in balancing yourself so what to do You need to stand straight between both legs so that the distance is hip width apart And in the same line you have to move the pair. The same line means this. You will need to make this distance between both legs And with that, you can sit comfortably, jump like this and come back.

The second mistake people make is that whenever they take a step forward, they take a very small step.
Due to this, the knee that extends beyond the claw when descending.

Which move is wrong, so what should you do? That you have to take a nice step forward and sit so that you are next to your knee. Do not cross the paw

  1. And the back hip and back knee should come under his knee. In this way and in a very controlled manner, you will perform this exercise
  2. I'll show you how to do 2-3 reps down slowly and up correctly. In a very controlled way, this was our video today, I hope you enjoyed the video
  3. And I will continue to create such informative articles along with YouTube videos that come before you
  4. Don't let people around you make the same mistakes. And keep writing in the comments below.


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