How to start back workout with pictures

 How to start back workout with pictures

Picture: It is chest workout 

Back Workouts

Decline Barbell Pull Over

A Decline Barbell Pull Over is a strength exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders and triceps.

What are the benefits of the Decline Barbell Pull Over?

Benefits of the Decline Barbell Pull Over include:

  • Increase in muscle mass and strength in the chest, shoulders and triceps area
  • Improving posture and core stability
  • Increasing upper body flexibility

How to perform a Decline Barbell Pull Over: 

  1. Set up a decline bench at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Lie face up on a bench, holding a barbell with a wide grip.
  3. Extend your arms straight above your chest, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  4. Slowly lower the barbell behind your head, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  5. Pause briefly and then raise the barbell back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for desired number of repetitions.
It is important to use proper form and use a weight that is appropriate for your condition to avoid injury.

Cable Rear Delt Row

The cable rear delt row is a strength training exercise that targets the shoulder muscles, specifically the rear deltoids. It is usually performed using a cable machine, with the individual facing the machine and grasping the handle with both hands. They then pull the handle towards their back, keeping their elbows close to their body before slowly releasing them and returning to the starting position. This exercise helps build muscle and improve posture.

How to Cable Rear Delt Rows

To perform cable rear delt rows, you'll need access to a cable machine.

  • Set the rope on the highest pulley and attach a straight bar or rope handle.
  • Stand facing the machine and grasp the attachment with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  • Step back a few feet to create tension in the cable.
  • Begin the exercise by pulling the attachment towards your waist, keeping your elbows at your sides.
  • Keep your back straight and engage your core throughout the movement.
  • At the top of the movement, pause briefly and press your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • It is important to maintain proper form throughout the exercise to effectively target the rear delts and prevent injury. You may want to start with a lighter weight and increase as you get stronger.

What is chin-up?

A chin-up is a strength training exercise in which a person hangs from a pull-up bar with the palms facing the body and then pulls themselves up until the chin is above the bar. This exercise primarily works the back muscles, especially the latissimus dorsi, as well as the      biceps and forearms. 
Chin-ups can be a challenging exercise for many people and are a good way to build upper body           strength.

How to chin up?

Picture: Chin up

To perform an injury-free chin-up, make sure you:
Use proper form: Keep your shoulders down and back and engage your core to maintain a neutral spine.
Warm Up: Do light cardio and dynamic stretching to prepare your muscles for exercise.
Gradually increase the resistance: Start with your own body weight and gradually increase the resistance as your strength improves.
Avoid Overtraining: Give your muscles time to recover by not doing chin-ups every day and gradually increasing the weight and reps
If you feel pain, stop and seek medical attention
If you're new to the exercise, it's best to start with assisted or belted chin-ups before moving on to unassisted chin-ups.
1. Inverted Rows 2. Single Arm Rows 3. Chest Presses 4. Push-Ups 5. Lat Pulldowns 6. Band Pull Aparts 7. Chin-Ups 8. Bent Over Rows 9. Shoulder Presses 10. Tricep Dips
It is always a good idea to consult with a fitness professional or physical therapist before starting a new exercise routine.

Picture: Chin up

Close grip Lat Pull down

What is a Close grip Lat Pull down?

The lat pulldown grip is a strength training exercise that targets the back muscles, specifically the latissimus dorsi, or "lats." The exercise is performed on a rope machine and involves pulling a bar or handle down toward your chest while keeping your hands close together. The close grip variation works more on the inner part of the lats. It also works the biceps and forearms as well as the upper back muscles. This exercise is often used as a variation of the traditional lat pulldown to target specific muscle groups and change the emphasis of the exercise.

What are the benefits of using a close grip for lat pulldowns?

By using a tight grip for the lat pull down, you can target the inner part of the latissimus dorsi, as well as the biceps and forearms. It also puts less strain on the shoulders. Additionally, a tight grip can help reduce upper trap engagement and help prevent shoulder impingement

How should a tight lat pull down be performed?

To perform a tight grip pull down lat, follow these steps:

  • Adjust the knee pad on the pull-up machine to fit your height.
  • Grip the bar with a tight, pronated grip (palms facing away from you). Your hands should be placed about shoulder width apart or slightly closer.
  • Sit down and tuck your knees under the mat.
  • Lean back slightly and engage your core to stabilize your torso.
  • Pull the bar down to your upper chest, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement and then slowly release the bar back to the starting position.

It's important to keep your shoulders back and down and avoid rocking your body as you pull down. Also, use a weight that you can do 8-12 reps with proper form.

Best lat pull down alternatives

1. Bent-Over Rows 
2. Seated Cable Rows 
3. Inverted Rows 
4. Single Arm Rows 
5. Band Pull-Aparts 
6. Chin-Ups 
7. Face Pulls 
8. Reverse Flyes 
9. Dumbbell Rows 
10. Chest Supported Rows

Best bent over row alternative

The Single-Arm Dumbbell Row is a great bent over row alternative. It works the same muscles and provides the same benefits as the traditional bent over row, but with less strain on the lower back. To do the single-arm dumbbell row, stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in one hand. Bend your torso forward from your hips, keeping your back straight and your core engaged. Lower the dumbbell to the floor and row it back up to your torso. Lower it again and repeat for the desired number of reps before switching to the other side.

What muscles does a straight-arm pulldown work?

Straight arm curls primarily work the latissimus dorsi, or lats, which are the muscles located on the sides of the back. To a lesser extent, it also affects the shoulders, trapezius and biceps.

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