The Ultimate Do's and Don'ts for a Stellar Workout Experience!


Maintaining a regular exercise routine is essential to stay fit and healthy. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, there are some guidelines and etiquette that can improve your workout experience and maximize your results. In this guide, we'll explore some of the important dos and don'ts of gym workouts, covering topics like machine use, exercise frequency, nutrition, goal setting, and more. By following these recommendations, you can ensure a safe and effective workout session that brings you closer to your fitness goals.

Do Don't During Gym Workout 

1-Don't fight with single gym machine with others, wait and in the mean time do other related workout. Ask him how many set is pending?
2-Don't do abs exercises every day.
3-Do not exercise for long hours.
4-Do not exercise on an empty stomach.
5-Do not exercise immediately after eating.
6-Don't exercise without setting your goals.
7-Don't exercise two large muscles together.
8-Workout 4-6 days a week is enough.
9-Don't give up no matter how hard you face.
10-workout for 60 minutes is enough.
11-Not exceeding the rest period between each round.
12- Do not exercise the same muscle two days in a row.
  • Eating is essential after half-one hour workout.
14-Sleep 7-8 hours for body rest.
15-Breakfast is one of the most important meals in the morning. Try to eat well.

Try to eat an apple every day. 

16-Do not train legs with your back on day one.
Muscle Fatigue: Both leg exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, and back exercises, such as rows and pull-ups, engage the lower back muscles to some extent. If you train both muscle groups on the same day, you may experience significant fatigue in your lower back muscles, which can compromise your form and increase your risk of injury.

What should be the strategy if I want to do leg workout and back workout on the same day
Warm-up adequately: Start your workout with a thorough warm-up that includes dynamic stretches and movements to increase blood flow and prepare your muscles for the upcoming exercise. Pay extra attention to warming up your lower back and leg muscles.

Alternate exercises: Instead of exercising all of your legs, do back exercises, alternating between the two muscle groups. For example, you might start with one leg exercise like squats, then back exercises like rows, and then move on to another leg exercise like lunges. This method allows some recovery time for each muscle group while you work on the other.

17- The break between rounds is not more than half a minute to one minute.
18- A schedule to be followed and not to be violated.

19-Don't lift heavy weights at once, but step up the weight.

Gradually increase the weight: As you become more comfortable and confident with the exercises, gradually increase your weight. The principle of progressive overload involves slowly increasing the stress on your muscles over time. This can be achieved by adding small increments of weight, such as 5-10% at a time, as you adapt and get stronger.

Don't forget to rest two or three days in the 20-week.
  • Make sure you only use your own water bottle 21
22. Avoid putting your hands near your mouth or face while exercising.
23 Do not play in front of air conditioning or cold air to avoid disease and injury.
24 Drinking water to cool the body and cleanse its internal organs. and provides vitamins to muscles.
25 Do not exercise without eating a fast-absorbing carbohydrate meal 2 hours before the workout.
26 Always drink water between exercise rounds, this is important.
27 Focus on foods and animal proteins that improve the muscle building process.
28 Variations in exercise from one month to three months so that you don't get used to the same old routine and so that muscle growth doesn't stop at a certain point.
29 Do not shower with any kind of soap after doing sports as it is very dangerous for your health.
30 Give your body enough rest and sleep to restore energy and not get tired.
31 Listen to music during a gym workout, it's a great workout motivator
32 Do some warm-up and include stretching during gym workouts to avoid injuries and dynamic stretching is best to avoid serious injuries.
33 Don't take heavy weight suddenly, proceed gradually like first take 0.5 kg and then take 1 kg etc.;
34 Drink a little bit of water during the workout but not too much;
35 Don't avoid safety belts and wrist supports during heavy exercise; You have to remember that your back should be straight and your hips like bended;
36 Try dividing your workout plan into a week eg day 1 is for biceps and back, day 2 is for legs and abs etc.
37 Don't avoid asking questions to the gym instructor;
38 Do not avoid the gym instructor, take routine from him;
39 Make some friends to get some unknown tips;
40 We have to learn from each other in the gym; We are not all master;
41 You should do some pushup before chest workout, this is my personal opinion;
42 Change your workout routine each 3 month;
43 Don't avoid lower body part workout, because when leg is strong then it would be easy to do other works; Change the workout everyday like one day lat pull down and other day deadlift or squat to avoid the lower back injury ;
44 During bicep workout, concentrate your triceps workout too for equal muscle growth;
45 Try to do forearms workout during arms workout.
46 Don't eat too much just before starting workout like pizza, burger, animal meat etc. You may eat just a banana, 2 pcs of dates, coffee before 1 hour of starting workout. 


You may not perform your workout with full stomach.


Do I fight others if a gym machine is taken over?

No, it is not recommended to engage in conflict with gym equipment. Instead, be patient and use your time effectively by doing other related exercises while you wait. If someone uses a machine you need, politely ask them how many sets they have left and plan your workout accordingly.

Is it right to do abs exercises every day?

No, it is not recommended to work your abs every day. Like other muscle groups, your abs need adequate rest and recovery time. Aim for two to three sessions per week to allow your abdominal muscles to repair and strengthen.

Can I exercise for a long time?

Exercising for excessively long periods of time can increase the risk of overtraining, fatigue and injury. It is usually more beneficial to focus on quality than quantity. Aim for a workout session lasting about 60 minutes, with warm-up and cool-down periods.

Is it better to exercise on an empty stomach?

Exercising on an empty stomach may not give you the energy you need to perform at your best. A light snack or meal containing carbohydrates and protein is recommended about one to two hours before your workout. It will provide fuel for your muscles and increase your performance.

Can I exercise while eating?

It is best to wait at least 1-2 hours after a large meal before engaging in vigorous exercise. Exercising immediately after eating can cause discomfort, indigestion and potentially interfere with your workout. If you need to eat close to your workout, choose a small, easily digestible snack.

Should I exercise without setting specific goals?

Setting goals is important to stay motivated and track your progress. Without clear objectives, it's challenging to measure your success and stay focused on what you want to achieve. Take some time to define your fitness goals and tailor your workouts accordingly.


Adhering to proper gym etiquette and following smart workout practices is essential for a safe and effective fitness journey. By being patient, considerate and attentive to your body's needs, you can get the most out of your gym sessions. Be sure to set realistic goals, prioritize rest and recovery, and listen to your body's signals. With consistency and determination, you'll be well on your way to reaching your fitness aspirations and enjoying the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

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