🔥 Gym Workout YouTube Shorts Mistakes to Avoid! 💪 Best Tips for Success

Mistake during bench press and how to fix the problems

1. Bouncing the Bar Off the Chest:

Mistake: Allowing the bar to bounce off your chest reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and can strain your shoulders.

Solution: Control the bar's descent and touch your chest gently before pressing it back up.

2. Overarching the Lower Back:

Mistake: Excessive arching of the lower back can lead to back pain and instability.

Solution: Maintain a natural arch in your lower back by bracing your core and keeping your feet flat on the floor.


3. Neglecting Scapular Retraction:

Mistake: Failing to retract your shoulder blades can result in poor form and reduced chest activation.

Solution: Before lifting the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep them engaged throughout the lift.

4. Gripping the Bar Too Narrow or Wide:

Mistake: An improper grip width can strain your shoulders and limit your strength.

Solution: Find a grip width that aligns with your shoulder joints, creating a 90-degree angle at your elbows when the bar is at your chest.

5. Lifting Your Head Off the Bench:

Mistake: Raising your head off the bench can lead to neck strain and instability.
Solution: Keep your head flat on the bench throughout the entire lift. Focus on a spot on the ceiling to maintain proper neck alignment.

6. Neglecting the Eccentric Phase:

Mistake: Rushing through the lowering (eccentric) phase of the lift reduces time under tension and potential gains.

Solution: Control the bar as you lower it to your chest, taking 2-3 seconds for the eccentric phase.

7. Using Excessive Momentum:

Mistake: Using your legs or excessive body movement to lift the bar can compromise muscle engagement.

Solution: Maintain a stable lower body and use your chest and triceps to lift the bar, not momentum.

FAQs on Bench Press Mistakes:

1. How do I know if my grip width is correct?

Experiment with different grip widths during warm-up sets to find the one that feels most comfortable and aligns with your shoulder joints.

2. Can I use a spotter for bench pressing?

Yes, a spotter can provide assistance when needed, enhancing safety and allowing you to push your limits.

3. Should I arch my back at all during the bench press?

A slight natural arch in the lower back is acceptable for stability, but avoid excessive arching, which can lead to injury.
4. Is it necessary to touch the bar to my chest during each rep?

Yes, touching the bar to your chest ensures a full range of motion and optimal chest engagement. However, avoid bouncing the bar.

5. How can I progress in my bench press strength?

Gradually increase the weight you lift while maintaining proper form.

Incorporate bench press variations like incline and decline bench to target different chest muscles.

Common mistakes in gym and what should be the shoulder position during workout

Adequate warm-up: A proper warm-up routine can help increase blood flow to your shoulders and prepare them for the demands of your workout.

1. Keep your shoulders down and back: 
For most exercises, like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, focus on pulling your shoulder blades down and back. This position stabilizes your upper body and reduces the risk of injury.

2. Avoid Shrugging: While lifting weights, avoid the tendency to shrug your shoulders. Shaking can put unnecessary stress on your neck and upper traps. Instead, focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears.
3. Maintain a neutral spine: Make sure your spine stays in a neutral position throughout your workout. This will help keep your shoulders in line with the rest of your body.

How to do squat perfectly common mistakes and correction

Tips for a perfect squat

Warm-up: Always start with a warm-up to increase blood flow to your muscles and prepare your body for the squat.

Foot placement: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, with toes pointing slightly outward.

Neutral Spine: Maintain a neutral spine throughout the squat, keeping your chest up and shoulders back.


Engage Core: Engage your core by pulling your navel toward your spine. It provides stability and protects your lower back.

Breathe properly: Inhale deeply before lowering and exhale as you push. Maintain steady breathing to avoid holding your breath.

Use a mirror or trainer: Check your form in a mirror or ask a trainer for feedback, especially when learning to squat properly.

Start with bodyweight: If you are new to squats, start with bodyweight squats to perfect your form before adding weight.

Gradually increase the weight: As you become more confident and maintain good form, gradually increase the weight to challenge your muscles.

Mobility work:
Incorporate exercises to improve hip, ankle and thoracic spine mobility to increase your squatting ability.

Six pack workout mistakes

Mistake 1: Ignoring proper nutrition

The fix: A definitive six-pack starts in the kitchen. Focus on a balanced diet that includes lean protein, whole grains, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Control your calorie intake and stay hydrated to shed excess body fat and reveal your abdominal muscles.


Mistake 2: Overtraining Abs

The fix: While working your abs is important, overtraining can lead to muscle fatigue and hinder recovery. Aim for 2-3 ab workouts per week with at least 48 hours of rest between sessions. Compound exercises like squats and deadlifts also engage your core and can be incorporated into your routine.

Mistake 3: Relying only on crunches

The Fix: Crunches are effective, but relying on them exclusively can lead to muscle imbalances and boredom. Include a variety of ab exercises, such as planks, leg raises, Russian twists, and bicycle crunches, to target all areas of your core.

Mistake 4: Neglecting a full body workout

Correction: Isolating your abs in every workout session won't help you achieve a balanced body. Combine ab workouts with total body strength and cardio exercises to burn overall body fat and reveal your six-pack.

Mistake 5: Bad form

The fix: Incorrect form can lead to ineffective workouts and increase the risk of injury. Maintain proper alignment by keeping your back straight, avoiding neck strain, and engaging your core during each rep. If you are unsure of your form, consider seeking guidance from a fitness professional.

Mistake 6: Unrealistic expectations

The fix: Building a six-pack takes time, and genetics play a role in what your abs will look like. Avoid comparing yourself to others or expecting quick results. Be consistent with your workouts and diet and remember that progress can be slow but steady.

Bonus tip: Include cardio

To reduce overall body fat and make your six-pack more visible, incorporate regular cardiovascular exercise into your routine. Activities like running, swimming and cycling can help you burn calories and reveal your hard-earned abs.

Triceps pushdown mistakes and correct ways

Neglecting variation

The fix: While standard triceps pushdowns are effective, be sure to include variations in your routine, such as reverse grip pushdowns, rope pushdowns, or single-arm pushdowns. These variations target the triceps from different angles, promoting overall development.

Faster through iterations

The fix: Perform tricep pushdowns deliberately and at a controlled pace. Rushing through repetitions can compromise your form and efficiency. Notice a 2-3 second concentric and eccentric phase.

Eccentric phase neglect

Correction: Focus on the low (eccentric) phase of the exercise, not just the pushing (concentric) phase. Lower the weight under control to effectively work the triceps through the full range of motion.

Do not fully extend arms

Correction: Make sure you fully extend your arms at the bottom of the movement to increase tricep engagement. Squeeze your triceps at the bottom position before returning to the starting position.

Back workout mistakes and how to do it correctly

Mistake 1: Using Excessive Weight

Correction: One of the most common mistakes is lifting too much weight, which can lead to improper form and potential injury. Start with a weight you can control comfortably for 8-12 repetitions. Gradually increase the weight as your strength improves.

Mistake 2: Neglecting Proper Posture

Correction: Maintain good posture by keeping your chest up, shoulders back, and spine neutral. Avoid rounding your back or slouching to ensure you're targeting the back muscles effectively.

Mistake 3: Using Momentum

Correction: Avoid using momentum to lift the weight. Concentrate on controlled, slow movements throughout the entire range of motion. This ensures your back muscles are fully engaged and minimizes the risk of injury.

Mistake 4: Incorrect Grip

Correction: Use the appropriate grip for the exercise you're performing, whether it's overhand, underhand, wide, or narrow. Pay attention to hand placement and adjust it to target different areas of the back effectively.

Mistake 5: Not Squeezing the Shoulder Blades

Correction: Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together during back exercises. This action helps engage the back muscles fully and ensures you're getting the most out of each repetition.

Mistake 6: Limited Range of Motion

Correction: Perform exercises through a full range of motion. This allows you to work the back muscles through their entire range and avoid developing imbalances.

Mistake 7: Inadequate Mind-Muscle Connection

Correction: Concentrate on feeling the contraction in your back muscles throughout the exercise. Develop a strong mind-muscle connection to ensure you're targeting the intended muscle group.

Mistake 8: Holding Your Breath

Correction: Breathe naturally throughout your workout. Inhale during the eccentric (lowering) phase and exhale during the concentric (lifting) phase. Proper breathing aids in stability and performance.

Mistake 9: Rushing Through Repetitions

Correction: Execute back exercises deliberately and at a controlled pace. Avoid rushing through repetitions, which can compromise form and effectiveness. Aim for a 2-3 second concentric and eccentric phase.

Mistake 10: Ignoring Variation

Correction: Include a variety of back exercises in your routine, such as pull-ups, rows, and lat pulldowns, to target different parts of the back. These variations promote balanced development and prevent plateaus.

Shoulder Press Mistakes and how to do it correctly

Hold your breath

The Fix: Breathe naturally throughout your workout. Inhale on the concentric (lowering) phase and exhale on the concentric (lifting) phase. Proper breathing aids stability and performance.

Neglecting proper warm-up

The Fix: Warm up your chest and shoulder muscles before diving into heavy lifts. Incorporate dynamic stretches and light sets to prepare your body for the workout.

Hand placement does not adjust

Correction: Adjust your hand placement to target different areas of the chest. Wide grips emphasize the outer chest, while a narrow grip emphasizes the inner chest.


The Fix: Allow your chest muscles to recover between workouts. Overtraining can lead to decreased performance and injury. Aim for 2-3 chest workouts per week with at least 48 hours of rest between sessions.

Not using spotters (when required)

Correction: When lifting heavy weights, especially the bench press, use a spotter to ensure safety. A spotter can help you complete reps and help if the weight is too heavy.

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