Top 100 Gym, Bodybuilding Tips
Best Gym and Bodybuilding Tips Ever
Many people go to the gym saying they will exercise for 1 hour; Then go to the gym and do stretching for 15 minutes, warm up for 10 minutes, and exercise with light weights for 10 minutes, pass the time by talking for 15/20 minutes, and finally there is no time for the main exercise. As a result, the result at the end of the month is only 10 instead of 100.
There are many of us who don't do physical work all day long and eat rice after returning home at night. If you eat rice at night without exercising all day, it gets converted to fat.
So, instead of eating rice at night, keep 1 piece of red flour bread with vegetables, fish and meat.
A healthy meal packed with nutrients, you can eat it as a complete meal.
So allocate 8/10 minutes for warm up and stretching and then do weight lifting for 50 minutes. Then you will see the improvement of the body will be more Boost.
Which exercise is best for reducing belly fat, or which exercise will reduce belly fat quickly?
Many people will be upset after hearing that it is not possible to reduce belly fat by exercising. To reduce belly fat should go to calorie deficit. So you need to follow a proper diet plan.
Following a proper diet plan will reduce belly fat even if you don't exercise.
Does eating lemon juice with hot water really burn fat 🤔❗❓
No, this is a complete misconception. We listen to many people, watch videos, get influenced, drink lemon water in the morning and afternoon for fat loss. And as a result, the result is 0 at the end of the day. Because lemon is a source of vitamin C, it contains a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C keeps our skin healthy, makes our immunity strong, apart from this lemon gives many other health benefits. But the bottom line is, lemons don't have any fat-burning ingredients.
Excess fat has accumulated in the body, does not like or want to do complex, difficult exercises ❓
Then the easiest and most effective exercise for you is simply walking. Walk for at least 30 minutes every day; That will burn the fat accumulated in your body.
(1) Age has nothing to do with good and bad food, so don't increase good and bad food on the pretext of age.
(2) Do not reduce physical activities with age; Rather increase it.
(3) Always try to keep a lot of plant based foods in the food list. For example: vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. Fish is any marine fish.
(4) If you don't do hard physical work, eat rice too much.
End of exercise is very important, because by exercising we damage our muscle fibers/tissue, after exercise our damaged muscle fibers start to recover.
Therefore, taking a combination of all types (micro and macro) nutrients dense is mandatory.
Post workout meal a can keep anything.
👉 100/150 grams of chicken or fish, 100/200 grams of rice, and mix vegetables, with a little olive oil.
A body part exercise, how many days a week should be done?
A body part exercise should be done 1 day to maximum 2 days a week. Then the muscle will recover well.
Those who have regular food control and morning and afternoon walks have high blood glucose, which means diabetes is always high. If they exercise the way they will come to diabetes control in one day?
A. If you don't just walk at home or in the gym, do weight lifting exercises, then your diabetes is bound to be under control.
B. Before applying this method, according to your age and physical condition, consult with a competent exercise instructor, then start weight lifting exercises.
What should be the match at the end of the workout for muscle gain ❓
End of exercise is very important, because by exercising we damage our muscle fibers/tissue, after exercise our damaged muscle fibers start to recover.
Therefore, taking a combination of all types (micro and macro) nutrients dense is mandatory.
Post workout meal a can keep anything.
👉 100/150 grams of chicken or fish, 100/200 grams of rice, and mix vegetables, with a little olive oil.
We are eating noodles as quick snacks, or feeding them to kids. Are noodles really packed with nutrients?
Ingredients for making noodles are flour, salt, water, and chemicals.
Flour is mainly a carbohydrate source, which contains a lot of carbohydrates, and salt contains sodium.
We Bangladeshis eat the right amount of rice throughout the day; It fills our need for carbohydrates, and becomes even more. So there is no need for extra carbohydrates from noodles. Eating excess carbohydrates increases the risk of diabetes, and abnormal weight gain. And abnormal weight means fat; And fat is the cause of many diseases.
Sodium, the amount of salt we use in curries; That fulfills our sodium requirement. Noodles are high in sodium; And excess sodium can accumulate water in our body, it can be the cause of high blood pressure, it can be the cause of kidney damage.
And the amount of protein, vitamins and minerals is very little. Because noodles are mainly carbohydrate and sodium source.
After all the decision is yours, whether you eat or not.
Are you missing this essential vitamin?
Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1), an essential vitamin. "Thiamine Hydrochloride", the "Carbohydrates" we get from our food; Helps to convert into energy. As a result, during exercise, our muscles, brain and central nervous system, get the fuel they need, easily and quickly. "Thiamine Hydrochloride", also helps in our muscle contraction during exercise. By helping us get a good night's sleep, this concession also gives us many health benefits.
Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1), a water-soluble vitamin. This vitamin stays in our body for a very short time; And then comes out with our urine. That's why it should always be on our list of dishes.
Foods that contain Thiamine Hydrochloride: Banana, Liver, Flax seeds, Green peas, Brown rice, Asparagus, Fish, Orange etc.
Exercise for 1 hour 5/6 days a week to stay healthy. And if you have to exercise; There are many more excuses with time, then remember that the hospital bed is waiting for you. You are going to meet him very soon.
Can you do chest exercises every day, or will you gain muscle if you do chest exercises every day?
No, it is better not to do chest exercises every day, because doing chest exercises every day will not lead to muscle recovery; And without muscle recovery, muscle size will not increase. So to gain the size of chest muscle, chest should be exercised 1 to maximum 2 days a week.
Taking oral anabolic steroids
Lately, many people are taking oral anabolic steroids without knowing it, to make body in short cut. Many people have little idea about these side effects.
Anabolic steroid is not a food supplement, it is like rice, we can eat whenever we want. Did you know that taking anabolic steroids can put our lives at risk?
Anabolic steroids don't just increase skeletal muscle; It also increases the size of cardiac muscle along with skeletal muscle. Means the size of our heart also increases, taking oral anabolic steroids quickly drops HDL (High density lipoprotein). As a result, the risk of heart attack increases many times.
In addition, anabolic steroids keep our blood pressure high, cause, or can cause, physical and mental damage in various ways, including liver damage.
So we will refrain ourselves from using them by depending on someone's words.
How much heavy weight should you exercise for muscle gain?
Exercising with the same amount of heavy weight during the excision; As your muscles fill up, exercise with the same amount of weight.
Joining a new gym or exercising at home; or do Now you are wondering what to do daily exercise!
No, you don't have to exercise every day, just 5 to 6 days a week. But on the day you take rest, eat less carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, bananas, pasta, noodles, etc.
There are many of us who start exercising and cannot continue it. I can't continue the exercise because I just don't have time. Many people begin exercise with a specific target; Whether the target is achieved or not, most people give up on this exercise. The mind set to continue the exercise should be done from the beginning in such a way that it is not a specific target. Exercise is the magic mantra of staying healthy, so instead of taking exercise as a target, it should be part of a regular lifestyle. Like we eat food everyday, bathe everyday, just like that. We have to go regularly without calculating the profit and loss, because if we exercise we will not get any profit.
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