Shed 5 Kilos in 30 Days: Transform Your Body with This Proven Routine

Breakfast Meal

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar/ Vinegar (2 tbsp. in 1 litter water drink for whole days)

Oats (50g , 190 calories)

Milk (200 ml, 120 calories)

Egg (1 full , 100 calories)

Total calories for breakfast: 410 calories

Mid Morning Snack

  1. Apple (182 gm, 100 calories)
  2. Green tea: no sugar, 0 calories

Lunch Meal

  • 1 serving of mixed vegetable curry (without oil is better) (200g, 150 calories)
  • One small bowl of brown rice (150g, 150 calories)
  • Fish curry (150 gm, 150 calories)
  • Total calories for lunch : 450 calories

Afternoon Snack

One small bowl of mixed fruits like papaya, watermelon, and pineapple (200 g, 100  calories)

Dinner Meal

  • Grilled Chicken breast ( 150 g, 150 calories)

Every day you can eat one lemon mix with your rice or vegetables will assist your fat loss.
  • Brown Roti (2 pcs, 220 calories)
  • Sautéed Spinach - "Palong Sag in Bangla" (100 gm, 50 calories)

  • Greek Yogurt (150 g, 150 calories)

Total Calories for dinner: 570 calories

However, cucumber is the best vegetable which you eat for fat burn. In addition, mid-day you may eat dates, and nuts which are also the best food for bodybuilding and gym exercise.

For strength training, I usually follow the following split workout 

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  1. Music and song during gym workouts great motivation and energy-boosting

    Use your headphone and cell phone to get maximum motivation visit music page 

    In addition, you may watch the video below for great workout motivation which is very important during gym workout but just remember don't ego lifting means taking heavy weights without preparation like warmup.


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    Check my description below detail workout routine, don't forget to visit healthbestfit.com and subscribe my YouTube channel

    share the wellness revolution with your friends!  If you have more questions about this, you can inbox.

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